Jura Tempest Federation and Alliance with Dwargon and Extra

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3rd person pov:

In all cave filled with monster with different races are now at a Submit so discuss what will happen to the Orcs

Suddenly the Dryard Treyni Announced something

Treyni: Ahem .. May I have attention of all Monsters ... I would like Sir Rimuru Tempest to the The Councillor of this Submit if anyone want to oppose it please rise your hand

That moment few glances at a 15 year old looking boy with deep blue hair and Golden eyes which can feel they can see through your soul...So

But none rise their hand
Now it's up to Rimuru to deal with this situation

Rimuru pov:

As Suddenly Treyni Announced that I will be the Councillor of this submit,... I was prepared for this now let's see...

I took the main head seat with Kijjin and Shizue by my right side and on other Goblin's  to the the left side behind me

On the other hand I can see on left side Orcs with their heads Down
Probably because of guilt of their actions

On right side I can see Lizard man chief and his daughter by his side waiting for submit to start

And so I started the submit

3rd person pov:

Rimuru: Umm, this is my first time doing a conference, so my words might hurt some and some oppose to it.  But please consider all of this thoroughly

First of all , I would like to say that the Orcs indeed committed many crimes but I don't think that it is something that cannot be forgiven . I know many of you suffered great losses in all of this , but hear me out .
I will talk about their military uprising and their current situation.  But even then, they have is no way to pay for the damages they did , well that's how it normally would be ...

Lizard man chief: Normally ?? Then would you like to tell us your real motive ?

Rimuru: There is a rule for us monster and even for human for Drastic situations , That is 'Survival of the Fittest' the moment you decided to fight you should have that resolution . Because in a life and Death fight only one can come alive and that is the Strongest one , that's the law of Nature.

Lizard man chief: Then let ignore the lizard man's pride , we have many losses in this war but I have no objection your decision Rimuru sama

However,  by not not charging the sins of the Orcs,  do you intend to allow the surviving Orcs into the forest ??

Rimuru : Yes , but they will have to pay somehow , for that I have decided that all of you will contribute to the forest by working to the bone . They will only get to eat and nothing more , as long as they managed to get back everything they did under my supervision.

Geld's Son: Are you perhaps ....

Rimuru: Yes, you all will become my subordinate ,so that the same tragedy never happens again.

Diablo: Fufufufufu As expected of Rimuru Sama ... Truly a Wonderful suggestion
It gives both parties advantage over what they lack .

Rimuru: They will be working All around the Forest helping Every species and we will provide you with food and a place to live. There will be no slacking off we all be helping together by forming an Alliance with each other,  Do you accept ?

Lizard man chief: We have no Objections .

Orcs : We have Neither .

Treyni: Its Decided that as the Overseer of the forest , I Treyni Hereby Declared and Recognized Rimuru sama as the new Master of this forest , what will you name this Alliance Rimuru sama?

That Time I got Reincarnated As A Dragonoid Slime In Tensura as Rimuru  Where stories live. Discover now