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In the land where shadows dwell, there's a story only time can tell. Of a journey that we all must take, where every path converges at the final wake.

It begins with whispers in the night, as stars fade, and darkness takes flight. A silent call from the great unknown, A journey to a place we can't postpone.

In the heart of the forest, where shadows play, there's a figure cloaked in gray. With a gentle touch and a solemn gaze, they guide us through life's winding maze.

They walk beside us, unseen yet near, as we navigate joy, and pain, and fear. They witness every triumph, every fall, Guiding us through it all.

And when the time comes to bid farewell, they lead us to where shadows dwell. To a place where stars no longer shine, and time itself begins to unwind.

But fear not the darkness, fear not the night, for death is not the end, but a flight. A journey to a realm beyond our sight, where souls are free to take their flight.

For in the embrace of death's gentle hand, we find the peace we've longed to understand. A final rest, a quiet repose, where every burden and worry decompose.

So let us not fear death's silent call but embrace it as the end of all. For in its embrace, we find release, and in release, we find eternal peace.

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