Chapter 2

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Third P.O.V.

It's been almost a week since Robby came to his half sister's home. He was currently out with Katherine who was taking him shopping for clothes. 

"Should I really be out here?" Robby asks. "I mean everyone is still on the eye out for me."

"Just try not to draw attention to yourself." Katherine told him with a smile. 

"Why do you care for me?" Robby asks.

Katherine looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" Katherine asks. 

"I mean you have Gabrielle and the boys. I'm not related to you and you just took me in. No one has ever done that to me. What makes me so special?" Robby asks. 

"You are my daughter's half brother. When I first met you I recognized a young misunderstood boy who needed help. The reason I care for you is because I care for you like a son. I've met your mother and she has given me all the papers to adopt you. That is if you accept it." Katherine answered and Robby looked at her shocked. 

"That's amazing!" Robby exclaimed happily and hugged Katherine. 

"You're welcome, sweetie. After we're done here we'll go sign the papers and you can officially become Robby Auclair. Unless that is if you want to change your first name." Katherine said. 

"Thank you, mom." Robby says still hugging Katherine who just hugged back. "I'll just keep Robby for now. Who knows maybe I'll change my name later in life." 

"Well that is up to you, dear." Katherine said before the two continue shopping. 

*Time skip*

Soon the two came back to Gabrielle's house where they heard silence. They head up to Robby's room that Gabrielle had given him when he comes over. 

"I'll let you get settled, while I try to go find the others

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"I'll let you get settled, while I try to go find the others." Katherine told Robby.

"No need, they are in the pool." Robby said and pointed out his window that shows the backyard. 

"Oh okay. I'm going to go see them. Come down when you're ready." Katherine told him, before she kissed his forehead and left the room, walking down the stairs, and into the backyard. 

"Hey, mom!!" Gabrielle said when she noticed her mother. 


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