{chapter three}

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Marauders P.O.V-

"James you better give me that back before I punch you so hard I'll knock you into next week" Sirius Black threatened as James dangled a lacy bra by his finger tips behind him away from Sirus's reach.

He was howling with laughter followed by Peter and a mere chuckle from Remus who thought their play was silly and immature

"Well Siri this'll teach you not to brag about your conquests then won't it" James taunted

"That or you'll end up with another black eye" Remus snorted

"Shut it you" Sirius snarled to Remus, who was leaning against a tall this bookcase "You're no fun anyway and i don't see you making any conquests of your own"

Remus's grin broadened as he flicked the page of the novel in his hands as he said with his eyes still on the page "Oh I do, you just don't know about them"

That even made James stop for a moment "You what Lupin?" his eyes wide

Black stopped and folded his arms across his chest "Oh like who then"

Remus flicked his eyes up from his book and smirked "Well as you lads know I'm not one for telling"

"You're bluffing"

"Sirius darling" Remus purred setting his eyes back on the page "I don't bluff"

James chuckled "Yes Siri darling our sweet heart Remmy does not bluff"

A shriek came from behind James, the marauders stopped even Remus jumped to look up from his book

"Sirius Black" Mathalga Hopkirk bounded towards them bright red "you disgusting Libbersnatch you promised" she snatched the bra out of James's fingers they still remained stood motionless as Mathalga proceeded to slap Sirius with all the force she had causing Remus to nearly fall to the floor laughing followed by Peter. She stomped off with her friends behind her

"You nailed Mathalga Hopkirk" James turned to look at his friend dumfounded. Sirius- who actually did look as if he was the one who got punched into next week, he rubbed his stinging cheek

"Twice" he still managed to pull an idiotic grin

"Great" Remus emphasised sarcastically "Now Pads is a walking STD"

Sirius managed to land a punch square into his broad shoulder' Remus didn't even flinch

"She's fit and since when do you call me Pads?"

"Hey" James, who was leaning his elbows on the balcony, called to his friends interrupting Remus's and Sirius's bicker "Speaking of fit, who is that?"

The rest of the boys walked towards the balcony which overlooked the bottom level of the bookstore

"Who?" Sirius asked still holding his cheek

"Her" James pointed right towards Casmar Devereaux

Peter let out a low whistle as the boys stood in silence

"Hold on I think my mum knows her" Sirius said

"How could you possibly know that" James said turning to Sirius "You never talk to your mum"

"Well maybe its because my mums taking to her" the boys looked over to see in actual fact there she was, Mrs. Black talking to the girl and the guy in the suit both dressedas if they’d just walked out of a funeral, and who they presumed as being her brother from the fact they looked a little similar and actually smiling at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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