first kiss

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Wayne and y/n have been flirting back and forth all month. texting all night, falling asleep together on the phone. they have also been having lunch together quite a lot. They both like each other but don't want to ruin their friendship encase anything happens in the future if they take their relationship any further. 

"hey y/n!" Wayne said, walking up to y/n while she was reading her favourite book. 

"oh hey Wayne!" y/n replied, sliding her bookmark into her book and putting it down on the table. 

"a good girls guide to murder?" Wayne says while tilting his head trying to read the front cover upside down

"its not how it sounds dummy, its about a girl who tries to figure out who murdered the most popular girl in school. everyone in the town believes it was her boyfriend but pip, the main character, doesn't believe that." y/n explains realising she is starting to yap, but Wayne liked that about her.

"sounds cool. where's your lunch?" Wayne asks, scanning the table for her food. 

"not hungry. im just trying to pass time as quickly as possible because I need to study for my maths test but its too loud in here. I need somewhere quiet." she says, avoiding the question about her missing lunch

"y/n. this is the third day this week you've skipped lunch, is everything okay?" Wayne asks, concerned.

"im fine, really. I've just lost my appetite because of my test, its worth 50% of my final grade." she says putting her book in her bag.

"okay well, can you at least share my fries with me. your gonna need food when your studying you know. you need to feed that big brain of yours" Wayne said with a comforting smile on his face.

"okay fine." she said laughing, hating the fact he was right. 

"hey uh, can I come over on the weekend? when your not studying of course." he said looking into her eyes. 

"yeah sure, sounds fun." she said smiling before finally taking one of his fries. 

after lunch, they walked to last period together slightly grazing each others hands but pulling away when they touched. they reached the classroom and sat in their assigned seats, they sat three chairs away from each other. once the class was over they walked home together and discussed the time and day they would be hanging out. They decided that they would hang out on Saturday at 12:30 pm at y/n's house.  

it finally reached Saturday and y/n woke up at 7:45am so she had enough time to get ready and tidy her room a little bit. Once she got out of the shower she dried her hair and put on some makeup. She then got changed into her favourite baggy denim shorts, white t-shirt, along with a brown knitted V-neck sweater. She folded some clothes away which were previously laid on her desk chair and then after that she was ready. It was now 10:50am so she had over an hour to run some errands. after an hour or so, and she was waiting at home for Wayne's call or text. after 10 minuets, her phone buzzed. she quickly picked it up to see a text from Wayne saying: setting off in 5, cant wait to see u :). she was starting to get a little nervous but mostly exited. She heard a knock on the door 20 minuets later and opened it to reveal a very happy Wayne. 

"hey trouble, can I come in?" Wayne said, smiling at her. this made y/n's stomach fill with butterflies. 

"of course! come in!" she said trying to play it cool.

they go up to her room and hang out together for a long time; laughing, making tiktoks, taking selfies together and watching movies. they begin to get bored so they decide to play truth or dare.

"okay y/n, truth or dare" Wayne says, sitting up on her bed and looking into her eyes.

"ummm... truth!" y/n replies sitting up across from him.

"okay.. umm.. is it true you liked me in 2nd grade?" Wayne said laughing 

"oh my god, no way you remember that. but yes, I did." y/n said, starting to blush a little

"I don't blame you. I would like me too. you know, because im so handsome." he says sarcastically with a proud look on his face

"oh take it easy, anyway truth or dare. Wayne" y/n said leaning closer towards him

"dare" he says also leaning in

"I dare you to kiss me." y/n said quietly before they finally give in and share a soft kiss. 

"I really like you y/n. do you wanna be my girlfriend or whatever?" he said smiling at her

"I don't blame you, I would like me too" y/n said, imitating Wayne. they both laughed

"yes, yes I do" she finishes before they kiss again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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