beautifully damaged

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"what happened to your face" Wayne asked with a concerned look

"what happened to yours" y/n said looking into the tiny mirror in her hand while fixing her mascara 

"I mean your cheek, who did that to you?" he said after a slight eyeroll 

"oh, you mean the cut?" y/n said looking up at him 

"yes, dummy. what happened?" he said holding eye contact 

"nothing, a guy just shoved me and I scratched my cheek on that sharp bit on my locker" y/n said, instantly regretting her words. she knew what this would lead to 

"are you serious!? who!?" he replied in slight disbelief 

"remember that girl? Emily? the one I beat the shit out of last year because she was talking bad about your dad, well the guy who shoved me is her older brother. think he's in the grade above us." she explained, knowing a fight will probably break out between Wayne and Jake after school.

"that bastard. don't worry. I will sort it." he said before gently kissing her forehead.

y/n and Wayne didn't have last period together so they agreed to meet at the parking lot since that's where his car was. As she was walking out of her classroom after the bell had rang, she saw tons of students running out of the doors into the parking lot. "oh no" she said under her breath, before following the crowd. Once she got there she saw a beat up Wayne on top of a even more beat up Jake, punching the shit out of him.

"Wayne come on that's enough" y/n said, walking up to him. He stood up once he heard her voice and walked over to her, he put his arm over her shoulder and they went back into school to the unisex restrooms. 

"jeez Wayne. you know you didn't have to do that, right?" y/n said with the wet tissue in her hand, gently dabbing it on his bloody nose. 

"yes I did, because your my girl. This was just a warning to everyone else so they know not to touch you." He replied, stroking her hair behind her ear.

"I love you, dummy" she said looking into his beautiful blue eyes. 

"I love you more." he answered, before pulling her in to kiss him. he pulled away after 10 seconds to look into her eyes before leaning in once again with her arms wrapped around his shoulders and his hands on her waist. 

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