Gabrielle Auclair

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Age- 19

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Age- 19

Lover- Terry Silver

Sexuality- Straight

Height- 5ft 6in

Born- Paris, France

Lives- Santa Cruz, California(it's a 5 hour 33 minute drive, 1 hour 5 minute plane ride and an 8 hour 31 minute bus ride from Los Angeles)

Job- bounty hunter

Home(she lives here with Claude since he's the second closest relationship with Robby in first)

Home(she lives here with Claude since he's the second closest relationship with Robby in first)

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Birth Home(her family lives there)

Full Name- Gabrielle *Gabby* Yvette Vivienne Auclair

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Full Name- Gabrielle *Gabby* Yvette Vivienne Auclair

Nicknames- Gabby, Bree, Brielle, Ellie, Ella, Abby, Abs 

Name Meaning- “God is my strong man”

Origin- French

Middle Name Meaning- yew tree(Yvette) & “alive,”(Vivienne)

Last Name Pronunciation: Oh-clare

Last Name Meaning- Clear

Family- Johnny Lawrence(father-alive-he doesn't know about her), Robby Keene(younger brother-alive), Katherine Auclair(mother-alive-47 years old-they don't live together but are very close - Angelina Jolie), Joseph Auclair(stepfather-alive-50 years old-she's more closer to him than she is with Johnny - Robert Downey Jr.) Achilles Auclair(older brother-alive-22 years old - Jack Dylan Grazer), Claude Auclair(older brother-alive-21 years old - Asher Angel), Damien Auclair(younger brother-alive-17 years old - Ethan Wacker), Ferdinand Auclair(younger brother-alive-16 years old - Isaak Presley), Francis Auclair(younger brother-alive-15 years old - Bryce Gheisar), 

Personality- kind, nice, sweet, smart, creative, sly, cunning, hard working, shy, quiet, loyal, brave, intelligence, well-mannered, tricky, sneaky, clever, protective, hot-head(sometimes), angry(sometimes), strategist, patience, wise, witty, resourcefulness, understanding, appreciation, tolerance, Independent, agreeableness, conscientiousness, chivalry, planning ahead, learning, wisdom, wit intellect, nerdy, cleverness

Appearance- short curly dyed purple/blue/grey hair(original hair color was brown/blonde + she dyes her hair every few months), blue eye(right), brown eye(left), tall, tanned/pale skin, smile on her face when around her brother(Robby), doesn't smile when someone mentions her biological father, smirk on her face when sees someone getting hit with karma(Sam and her friends), usually seen wearing tomboyish outfits

Face Claim- Maisie Williams

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