Really, Em?

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It was just another normal (ish) day on set. You'd landed a role in a movie called 'The Fall Guy' alongside THE. Emily Blunt (playing her lover, may I add!?) and you literally could not be happier.

You'd just finished filming a major scene when it started to rain pretty heavily, not to mention the wind had picked up a significant amount. You thought "Oh, its probably just a rough patch of weather, it'll blow over."

you were very wrong.

It was in fact monsoon season, which you didn't realise until much too late.
They were urging everybody to evacuate the set for safety reasons (because as you can imagine, its not exactly 'safe' to continue filming in the pouring rain.)

You were about to follow everybody else to get out of the shitty weather but then you realised something. You hadn't seen Emily anywhere.

You felt yourself get a little worried, but you reassure yourself, "It's Em we're talking about. She knows what she's doing."
Yet you couldn't fight the urge to look for her. The most obvious place to check was her trailer, and so that's where you headed first.

The set was quickly flooding with rain water so you waste no time hurrying to look for her.
You knock on the trailer door before noticing its open, and so you slowly open the door, not wanting to startle her incase she was in there.

"Em, you in here?" you say before looking around. Out the corner of your eye, you notice her just sat there, so peaceful it was almost eery.

After no response, you walk in and look at her with a look to say "Really, Em?"

"Em, you do realise its absolutely pouring with rain out there, and everybody's evacuating, right?"

A moment of silence passes before she finally replies, "I'll be fine, Y/N." she states so calmly it's almost a problem.

Em was known to be a calm person, but this was taking 'calm' to another level. I mean, props to her for being able to meditate even with the sound of the aggressive rain in the background, but seriously, during a monsoon? She must be crazy.

You don't dare to criticise her and ruin the peace, so you simply nod and take a seat next to her. If she was gonna meditate at a time like this, you'd best believe she wouldn't be doing it alone.

You almost want to laugh, the whole prospect of doing this whilst everybody freaks out outside is honestly kind of funny.
But as long as you're with Em, everyone else is irrelevant.

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