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You stare up at the ceiling and hold up the maid dress to look at it again. You sit there for a second debating on blasting the window and running away, but you decide against it. You sit up and get off the bed, as you begin to undress and put it on. Once the maid outfit is on you go over to the full length mirror. You slowly twist your body to get a better look at everything.

"It's actually not that bad, it's quite...adorable." You say as you flatten some parts out with your hands. With a sigh you walk to the door and open it. Immediately you are met with 6 little eggs staring up at you.

"Oh! Hello! So you'll be escorting me to Pentious?" You tilt your head. "UHh yes we are! We'll bring you to our boss!" One of them says as his voice cracks a bit. You nod your head and wait for them to begin walking. They stood there for a second just looking at you, then all of them simultaneously turned around and started walking. You followed shortly after them, fast walking to keep up with them.

You clear your throat and start talking, "So, what are you guys?"

They stop and look back at you all together and blink. "we aRe our bosses' minions, we are eggboys!" You squat down to their level and hug your knees.

"You know, you all are kind of cute, but also kind of off-putting. Can I pick one of you up?" They look at eachother and push one forward to you. You pick one up and stand. "Wow, you are surprisingly light! What's your name?" You begin walking again, following the eggboys.

He replies, "FraNk and I know you're (Y/N) miss boss lady!"

You nod, "Oh, I see, so Pentious has talked about me before?" He nods vigorously and begins to speak, "Oh, yes! After he gets back from losing the battles all he does is talk about you and I'm not supposed to tell you this!"

Hearing this causes you to laugh a bit and embrace him into your chest, " Now this is some important information, Frank, thank you for telling me!" Finally the eggboys stop in front of a door and there's a plaque that reads, "The Great Sir Pentious!" You furrow your brows and let out a small breath. You could tell this was about to be...interesting.

With that you knock twice on the door. You wait for a second while hearing some shuffling noises in the room. "Ahh! Come in, (Y/N)!!!" Sir Pentious says from inside the room. You take a glance down at Frank that was still residing in your embrace and open the door slowly.

You clear your throat and step into the room, shutting the door behind you. Walking over to his desk in a quick manner. "So, now that I'm...your servant...what exactly do you want me to do? How long will I be serving you for?" You ask him as soon as your eyes meet.

Before he answered you he took a good long look at you, head to toe. He rubs his chin and smiles, a bit of his fangs popping out. Leaning back in his chair he begins to speak, "Well, anything I ask of really." He smirked and continued, "You sshall do thiss until I am sssatissfied! Which could be in..hmmm..a couple yearss from now."

"What?! A couple years, are you kidding me Pentious?!" You said as your voice raised a bit.

He flicked his tongue out as he spoke and let out a small, almost, evil laugh, "Do not fret you.. pretty little thing. I will make ssure you are protected and resspected while working for me. It won't be horrible, I promissse."

You looked at him with frustration in your eyes and you growled, "How do I know, you won't try any funny business with me?" It was now your turn to look him up and down. He laughs once more and gets up from his chair, moving over to you. With his fingers he caresses some stands of your (H/C) hair.

"My, My, My, (Y/N). You'd really think of me, the great Sssir Pentiouss, in that light? I may be a sssnake, but I'm not going to bite you." He says as he lets go of your hair. You stare at him a bit unsure of his true intentions, but shrug it off. Despite you and him being long-time turf enemies, you felt he was being truthful in that sense. So you reply, "..Okay, fine you seem to be truthful with that."

He smiles and looks down at Frank that was still in your arms. "Issn't he such an obedient minion." He spoke to you as he held out his arms to take Frank.

"Ah, yeah. I guess you could say that. He's verrrry talkative." You said with a small laugh. That sentence caused him to raise an eyebrow. He begins to speak once more, "What hass he sssaid to you??"

You handed Pentious, Frank, and put one hand on your hip. "Nothing too...embarrassing." You said with a devious grin and turn to begin walking to his office door. You start opening the door, but suddenly you see a hand move quickly in your peripheral vision and he shuts the door. He was behind you practically breathing down your neck, causing a shiver to run up your back. This all had happened in a flash and you held your breath.

With a low husky voice he begins to speak, "What...did he tell you, (Y/N)?"

(Here's a longer chapter since I haven't been nice with uploading. >:D)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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