So This is Really Happening?

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It was the morning after your encounter with Sir Pentious. Finally waking up, you yawn and take a big stretch. Sitting up in the bed you try to focus your eyes to greet the day. Noticing that your head hurts, you rub it.

"God, my head is pounding", you said to yourself as you finally got a good look at your surroundings. Realizing that this is not your hotel room you throw the sheets off, and jump out of the bed. You begin pacing around the room with your hand on your forehead and you ask yourself what you were doing just before you woke up.

"Damn! I was fighting that snake and he knocked me out cold." Frustrated, you storm over to the door and throw it open. Once the door was fully open, you end up face to face with the snake, Sir Pentious. You stumble back and grab the nearest object (this object can be whatever is next to you right now) to throw at Sir Pentious. "Where the hell am I? Don't tell me this is your little battleship." You say annoyed and get into a defensive stance, ready to attack if needed.

Sir Pentious enters the room with his hands behind his back as if he is holding something. "Even if it wass my beautiful ssship, I sstill wonder if you remember the agreement we made yesssterday, (Y/N)?" You furrow your brows wondering what had happened after the fight with him. As you were trying to remember, you think to yourself about said agreement, then I hits you just like it did yesterday. "Oh...oh no...FUCKKK, I LOST!!!" Sir Pentious lets out a burst of laughter and he smiles. "Good, I am glad that you remember becausse from thiss day forward you are going to be my sservent, sssweetheart."

You frown at the thought of this and ponder to yourself. He did sort of cheat, but at the same time you did lose. At the time you weren't being smart because you were sooo confident that you would win. Then a memory flashes in your brain from your everyday life and how dangerous it is to live in hell. You always have to be on guard because anyone could attack you at any moment. Plus you did agree to do this if you lost and you are not one to go back on your word. It just isn't something you can do.

"O-Okay, fine it is settled. I will be your servant." You say sighing.

He moves towards you causing you flinch. Naturally you close your eyes thinking he was about to grab you, but instead he hands you something. Opening your eyes you see him holding out an outfit made for you. You take the dress from his hands carefully and look at it closely. It was a dainty maid outfit. Surprisingly, it wasn't the typical slutty version that you'd see in one of Valentino's pornos. You look up at Sir Pentious and you can secretly see behind appearance he seems kind of proud that you're looking at it so intently.

"Did you make this yourself, Pentious?" You ask, curiously pointing to the dress

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"Did you make this yourself, Pentious?" You ask, curiously pointing to the dress.

"I may ssseem diabolical HAHA, but I am not a monsster." There was a pause and he cleared his throat, "AhEm! I did, yesss, I made it mysself. I worked on it lasst night. I had my egg boy'ss figure your measssurementss while you were knocked out." He says while turning around and heading to the door. "I was worried I was going to have to walk around in nothing but a tiny shirt and apron." You say while laughing nervously. He looks at you oddly and then turns back around to the door.

"I will let you get changed and then I want you to come to my office. My eggyss will be waiting outsside the door to lead you there when you're done changing." After saying this he opens the door and leaves, closing it behind him.

You collapse onto the bed and put your hand on your head. "What the hell are you getting yourself into, (Y/N)?"

(Authors Note)

Hey gang! Lets me know how you liked or disliked this chapter! Thank you everyone! :D

Sir's Faithful Ssservent | Sir Pentious X ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя