Chapter 3 // Preliminary

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A/N: I forgot to add this in but this was the uniform that Momo gave you (it's up there :))! And also everything is mostly assumed. Enjoy reading ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜!

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As you stepped into U.A. you shivered in excitement. You wonder what class you are in and check your phone. Dread filled you as you thought Oh, I'm in 1-B...? But Yaomomo is in 1-A. No... lemme check again. Ugh. Still 1-B. What do I say to Yaomomo!?. Straightening up, you walk to the classroom of 1-B. 

Inside a blonde boy, an orange-haired girl, and a fanged adult man turned and looked at you. "Uh... hi. I'm uh (Y/N) Yaoyorozu, nice to meet you guys." You bow. You look up silently. "Hhahahahahhahahahhahha! Nice to meet you too! I'm Monoma hahaha! Koff-" The orange-haired girl had hit him. What's his problem?  "Anyways, I'm Kendo. Don't mind Monoma, his heart's kinda... never mind." Then the fanged dude said, "I'm 1-B's homeroom, Vlad King. You can sit next to Kendo now. " Okay, everything so far so good...? 

As the rest of the class filed in, you got more and more nervous. Finally, a man stuck his head in through the door and said, "Oi, Vlad. Can we have the girl? We need one more person and you have one extra." Vlad looked at me then at him and said, " Sure. K, (Y/n) you're joining 1-A for some time."  You nod and follow the man to the classroom of 1-A. "I'm Aizawa", he started, "I'm 1-A's homeroom." 

As you guys entered the room he pointed to a seat next to Yaomomo and a half-and-half boy. "Sit there after you introduce yourself." "Okay," You nod again. "Um... hi, I'm (Y/n) Yaoyorozu, and my quirk is Water Manipulation. I like (fav food), (Fav color), and (fav animal). Nice to meet you." A red-haired boy shouted, "NICE TO MEET YOU too! Right, Bakugou?" the creamy-haired boy mumbled, "Who the f cares?" Impulsively you blasted him with water. "WTF WAS THAT FOR, BITCH?" He shouted. You cover your mouth, "I'm so sorry! That was impulsive!" His hands exploded and he started walking towards you. "I'm sorry, okay?" And you walk to your seat trembling. Aizawa-sensei sighed, "Anyways get into your gym clothes, we're going to do a test."

As you guys walked onto the field, Aizawa stood there slouching and watched you guys file in. "Alright, now, if you get last on this by having the least points, you'll be expelled." Yells of outrage and confusion filled the field, "Wait why?",  "How?", "But we just came!". Aizawa smiled and said, "This is U.A. kids, the staff let us do whatever type of teaching. Your fate is in our hands."

Yaoyoruzu (Todoroki x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant