Chapter 2 \\ U.A.

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A/N: Okay, this might not be good but I'll try my best ><!

You slowly open your eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on your face. As you sit up in bed, you hear Yaoyorozu's voice calling out to you, "Hey, (Y/n)-Chan, wake up! Today's the day we go to U.A. High School, remember?"

You rub your eyes, still groggy from sleep, and then it hits you. You and Yaoyorozu got accepted into U.A., Japan's most prestigious hero academy! You quickly jump out of bed, feeling a surge of excitement and nervousness coursing through your veins.

As you start getting ready, Yaoyorozu gives you the bad news that your mom accidentally spilled coffee on your uniform the previous night. You feel a pang of disappointment, but Yaoyorozu quickly assures you that she has a backup plan. She hands you a backup.

"It's not the official uniform, but it's the best I could do," Yaoyorozu says with a smile.

You groggily propped yourself up from the bed, your eyes still adjusting to the morning light. As you rubbed your eyes, your gaze landed on the uniform laid out neatly on the chair. "Okay, I'll get up now," you muttered to yourself, mustering up some energy to start your day.

You quickly got dressed, slipping into your uniform and tying your hair back into a neat ponytail. The blue and white uniform was okay, but you couldn't help but feel like you would stand out more than you wanted to. Brushing your teeth and washing your face, you took one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs.

"Good morning Mom!" you greeted your mother cheerfully as you entered the kitchen. She turned around, a look of surprise on her face. "Oh! (Y/n)! I'm so sorry for spilling coffee. I was up late working and I accidentally dozed off and spilled it!" she exclaimed apologetically.

"It's okay, Mom. No harm done," you assured her with a smile. "I'm gonna buy some onigiri on the way to school for breakfast, okay? I want to be there early. Yaoyorozu-chan, I'll see you at school!" you added, grabbing your backpack and heading towards the door.

As you walked through the doorway, waving to your mother, you mounted your bike and pedaled off towards the convenience store. The wind was soft and the sun was shining, making for a perfect day to start your hero journey. You couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as you rode towards the store, eager to start your day and see what adventures awaited you at U.A. High School.

Yaoyoruzu (Todoroki x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum