𝟎𝟗. ( the one with the homework. )

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february, 1998

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february, 1998

"I didn't think I'd ever see you sleeping in a library." The eye roll-worthy voice — which belonged to Lee Heeseung — announced as he strolled over to the desk Kim Nari was currently sat at; her head laying on her arms, which rested against the table, and her eyes shut tight as quiet snores left her parted lips.

It was the first day back to school after the weekend, and to say Nari was tired would be an understatement.

Over the past two days, she'd managed to get approximately four hours of sleep. She knew that that behavior was wrong and bad for her health, however the pressure to keep up her high grades were stressful, and not only that, but picking up shifts at the local Diner to earn money wasn't very ideal — but it was what she had to do.

"Hey," Heeseung called out, furrowing his brows as he stepped closer to the table, hitting her hand that was loosely hanging off the table, gently. "Wake up." He ordered, nudging her again, yet it didn't seem to work.

"Kim Nari, wake up." He spoke once again, this time receiving a numerous amount of 'Shh's from those in the library with him.

"Hmm," The Lee boy breathed out, cocking his head to the side before sitting down on the seat opposite to her. "You must be really tired..." He mumbled to himself as he set his text books onto the table.

Never in Lee Heeseung's four years of attending Insul High, had he ever set foot in the library. Just the thought of the place made his skin crawl and his eyes roll to the back of his head in annoyance. He always referred to it as a place for Nerds and Geeks, and chose to avoid the room at all costs.

So, when the boy had been searching the school for Kim Nari earlier on that morning, and soon found out she was in the place full of books, he instantly groaned in disgust — though, that didn't seem to stop him from going.

He had something to do — something so important that if he wanted to get it done, he'd have to suck up his revulsion.

Twenty minutes had passed with Heeseung sitting across from the (still sleeping) girl, and he was bored. He slouched back in the uncomfortable chair, resting his head against the wall as his legs spread; desperate for comfort as he threw the Hockey puck (that was in his pocket) in the air every now and then.

He was waiting for her to wake up...

He was waiting for her to wake up...

Instantly, a scoff escaped Heeseung's lips as he sat up properly, shoving the puck in his hoodie pocket and shaking his head in disappointment with himself. Why was he waiting for her to wake up? She wasn't anything special.

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