Chapter 3 ~》Aster

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《Aster Lakes》

"Aster, Parkinson, wake up." I hear a faint whisper, almost as if it was in the back of my mind, but then I felt a slight shake and heard the same whisper again, this time much more in the front of my mind.

"Five more minutes." I groaned, snuggling into Pansys hair more.

"Five more minutes and you'll be late to dinner. Draco told me to wake you two up." I shoot up as I recognize the voice, fixing my hair.

"Oh. Good evening Blaise." I smiled nervously, and he just smirked.

"You know, you're fairly pretty when you sleep." I could tell he was flirting- and I did not know how to handle it.

"Oh.. thank you." I mumbled, averting my eyes from his. I heard a gag from the couch next to me and saw Pansy was awake.

"Gross. You're practically snogging each other with your eyes. Go to a different couch to do that- or even better, a different room." She grimaced, standing up and walking towards the girls dorms.

"I'm getting dressed. When I walk out I better not see you trying to get into Azzys pants." She grumbled, slamming the door behind her.

"Azzy is new." I mumbled, remembering our conversation after lunch, before we fell asleep.

"Yeah. I've never heard her call anyone a nice nickname before. Let alone one she's came up with," Blaise shrugged, sitting on the side of the couch Pansy was on. "I also don't think she's let one of us call her a nickname."

"Hm. I must be a special acception then."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Lakes." Draco said, walking out of nowhere.

"Do you not hear yourself?" I glared and he rolled his eyes.

"Sure." He walks away, back into the boys dorm, just as Pansy comes out. I stand up and put my robes on, brushing my hair and making sure I looked fine. One minute left before dinner started.

"About time." Pansy took my hand, which shocked me, and started leading me down the halls to the Great Hall. Blaise, Theo, and Draco were following behind us.

《Blaise Zabini》

I look around the hallways we're walking through, trying to think of my next words carefully. I glance back towards the two girls in front of us and furrow my brows.

"Don't you think Pansy is a bit too close and touchy with Aster to just be friends?" I ask, earning a nod from Theo.

"Jealous, Zabini?" Draco smirks and I shake my head no.

"I don't think Aster is into her like that. Yes, I have a thing for her, but I don't have a reason to be jealous if nothing is going to happen. I'm more scared for Pansy to get hurt. We all know how that went third year." I shivered, reliving the memory of her punching a smug Ron after Hermione rejected her.

"Oh, definitely. She was moody for weeks. It was terrible." Theo agreed, and I thought for a second.

"Do you think she stopped liking Draco because of Aster?" I asked, but heard Draco huff out a chuckle.

"She never liked me, she just wanted to please her parents. You have zero clue how relieved I was to figure that out." I furrowed my brows, but it honestly made sense. I've only seen Pansy with girls, so her liking Draco was odd. I always summed it up to him being a 'pretty boy'.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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