Chapter 1 ~》One day

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Aster hated the Slytherin house. It was full of stuck up arseholes and blood supremacists. She spent three years at this school and the only person she liked in her house was her cousin.

Her and Cosmos immediately became close again, and while they did have their times where they were distant, they pulled through in the end. They were attached at the hip, and he was the reason she had a friend.

Aster knew that Cosmos would stick up for her if anyone threatened her, if it were a fly or if it were Draco, he had her back, and she had his, too.

She hated the Slytherin girls. All of them were snobby and, quite frankly, annoying. They talked about her, whether she could hear it or not, and it drained her.

She also hated Harry Potter and his little group. Aster would always make sure to look at them and send them a smile or nod or wave, but she got glares in return. It was fine by her, but she would prefer to know why.

"Ster, you should eat your food." She heard Cosmos speak from besides her and she let out a breath from her nose, steam forming in the night air. She barely glanced at her food. The wind sent a shiver down her spine as the leaves shook in the trees, grass tickling any exposed skin.

These past few weeks have been hell. She was stressing about having to go home for winter break, then Cosmos offered her to stay with him and his family again. She loved that he offered that every year, and she took it up every time, but she was stressed. Did her aunt think she was a burden every Summer and Winter? Should she just stay at the school again? She had other things involving her family plaguing her brain and slowly tearing it apart. This was the worst its ever been.

"I'm not that hungry, Mosy." she stood up from her spot on the wet grass and stretched, earning a small frown from the boy.

"Aster, please eat." He had done this since he realized Aster was missing out on meals. She just shook her head and started making her way inside with her food.

He quickly shot up and ran after her, and she just continued walking. She hated this. It made her feel guilty, and she didn't have a reason to be. She could do what she wants, and if barely eating was what she wants then thats what she would do.

"Please, Ster. I can't.. Just please. You need to stop this, it's not just affecting you." Cosmos chased after her, pleading with her as tears brimmed in his eyes.

"Cosmos, please just leave me alone." Aster spat, tears swirling in her eyes, but she tried her best not to let one slip. If she did, then that was game over.

Cosmos froze at her tone, and he backed off. "Please, come to me when you're ready. I'll listen to whatever you have to say. I love you, Ster." Cosmos had tears falling down his face, an angry look taking over the hurt one he'd wore seconds ago.

Aster didn't dare speak, she knew once she opened her mouth she wouldn't be able to stop the words she never told anyone about. Not even her mother had talked about it.

Though, her mother obviously didn't talk about a lot of things.

She hated being 14.

Once she got rid of the bowl, Aster weaved through the hallways back to the dorms. Inside the common room, she found a bunch of people making signs, which she presumed were for the Quidditch game coming up in January. It was Gryffindor v.s. Slytherin, so she expected some Harry hate.

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