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*2 weeks later*19th March,1987*

Anastasia was getting ready for a interview with Diane Sawyer.She was a bit nervous because the last time she did an interview in 1981.

"Good afternoon, everyone.I'm Diane Sawyer.Today I am here with former Victorious member, Anastasia Quinn.How are you tonight?",asked Diane."I'm doing good", replied Anastasia."So your sisters confirmed that you are working on an album with them.Is that true?",asked Diane."Yes,it is.I actually miss working with my sisters so I decided to do one last album", replied Anastasia,which made the crowd cheer."You left the group last year.Why is that?",asked Diane."Well..I wanted to pursue a solo career and create my own music.Don't get me wrong.I love working with my sisters but I just wanted to try something different", replied Anastasia."Your mom was your manager,right?How did she react when you told her you were leaving the group?",asked Diane."She was not happy at all..she was quite furious.We actually had a whole argument until I packed my bags and moved out", replied Anastasia."How would you describe your relationship with your mother?",asked Diane."That's a tough question.Our relationship was great when I was younger but as soon as I turned 14, everything changed.As soon as we became "Victorious",we weren't allowed to call her mom.We had to call her Grace.I'm not saying this to make her look bad but that's how it was.I love my mom but I wish we had a better relationship like we used to", explained Anastasia, getting emotional."Okay we're going to take a break.Stay tuned",said Diane.Anastasia went backstage and Michael immediately hugged her."Are you okay?You got pretty emotional",said Michael."I'm fine.It just hurts talking about my relationship with my mom",says Anastasia.

*5 minutes later*

"So I see that Michael is here with you and there have been rumours about the two of you dating.Is that true?",asked Diane."No..Michael and I are just really close friends.We hold hands because of how close we are",says Anastasia, smiling."Do you think you guys would ever be a couple?",asked Diane."Maybe someday", replied Anastasia.

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