☀️Chapter 7🌙

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Narrator's POV:

The weeks went by for the dognap family still locked away in captive by their once thought to be trustworthy loyal friend crafty corn. Each one of them suffered, tormented, exhausted wanting it all to end quickly.

Dogday was tired as hell he hasn't gotten any sleep foe weeks staying awake incase crafty came back to torture his family more.

Catnap taken the most pain out of them during the fight and stabbed wounds from crafty in the beginning tired staying his best to stay awake beside there was any use in trying to any rest at this point he was in to much pain to even try.

The children scared for life seeing their parents beaten, stabbed, and tortured in front on their eyes and not eaten anything in weeks the poor things were to young for any of this shacking from the cold cages they slept in their bodies became very skinny from the lack of food.

Catnap's POV:

Another day of this terrible prison this endless nightmare a never ending cycle and battle for my life. I was tired in pain but what hurtted me the most was seeing my children and partner suffer in pain. I was so pissed for what crafty did to them did to me to my children. I couldn't even do anything to stop it do to the pain in my body. I had a plan to escape to leave this place and ever come back she'll never hurt us again.

For now i must try to rest so my body and try to heal the best it can for now. I lied down and closed my eyes trying to fall into my slumber. The floor was hard and cold uncomfortable to sleep in any condition.

I heard whimpering and whining coming from the cages I opened my eyes looking over to see me children scared and cold they whimpering for dogday to answer them he must have been sleeping he deserves it after all he hasn't gotten any sleep for weeks looking over us day and night. I turned to my kids and saying in a calm voice," shhhh it's my darlings daddy's just resting right now i promise everything will be ok.", they stopped shaking looking at me," dad i...I'm scared i wanna go home.", moondust cried i hurtted me seekng him so terrified," i know my little moondust we'll be home soon i promise.", he calmed down a bit still shaking tho i heard someone speak my name.

"Catnap.", i saw dogday looking weak and tired looking over at me," yes my love?", he turned more to me with a weak shaken voice," you dont deserve this not our kids not you none of you do i promise I'll get us out of here."," i know my sunlight that day will come." He put his head down resting again.


I heard footsteps coming close to the door i stood up waiting for who ever it was to come through dogday mist have heard it as well he was awake and staring at the door. The door opened and crafty came in with her stupid ass smile walking over to dogday," so have you decided yet?", decided I didn't know what she was talking about i looked at dogday who was already looking at me with sorrow," sunlight what is she talking about?", he looked away for a bit and back at me," i'm...i'm so sorry my moon i wanted to save you all.", i was getting worried he didn't make any sense," baby what are you saying?"," i ...choice to be crafty's partner.", my eyes widen and heart dropped it felt like it broke into a thousand pieces," w-what ..w-why ...WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?", i yelled he flinched at my sudden action." I want you all to be free i did it for you for our kids they don't deserve to be locked in a cage now at this age no this young and you...mu sweet moon you deserve to live to lice a life outside of cell bars."

I was pissed I can't believe he did this there was a better way i knew their was," *chuckles* well now that that's settled you all can leave and NEVER came back for him he's MINE now finally after so many years." I was filled with rage from crafty for dogday I wanted to kill somebody i was so damn pissed.

Crafty walked over to the kids and unlocked their cage they quickly ran out by dogday crying asking him why he did this. Dogday was filled with shame and sorrow he didn't want this he didn't answer their questions he just looked away and ignored them. The children looked hurt, betrayed, abandoned by their own father. Crafty walked over to my cell and unlocked the cell door i walked out purposely bumping into her. She yelped a bit and cursed something under her breath i walked to the door with the children.

Crafty unchained dogday he rubbed and held his wrists he looked at me with a sad and regretful look he moved his mouth saying," im so sorry." I looked away i was so pissed with him he broke my heart and trust after years of a healthy relationship. I opened the door i let the kids go first out the door i walked about half way out when crafty said something that triggered me," bye bye stupid cat your partner will have a much better family and much cuter and not so ugly children." I stopped dead in my tracks her words ran through my head i felt different i felt like i wasn't my self i felt crazy like an animal.

I quickly turned around and pounced on her clawing her face. She screamed in pain as i digged my claws into her face the sound of flesh ripping and tearing echoed in the room along with her blood curling screams blood spattered everywhere i took all of my anger on her stupid face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and i snapped back into reality i looked and saw Dogday he had horrible look on his face," moon w-what did you do?", he said with a shaky voice. I looked at the damage i did and saw crafty's face completely torn apart shredded, molded my claws were covered in her blood. I heard whimpering i turned and saw my kids they were...scared of me only partly moondust walked over," dad w-what happened?" He said shaking a bit i was to shocked and stunned to speak i looked back at dogday he was about to say something but stopped he took a few minutes before saying what he was going to say," moon it's ok im not mad he did it got of your anger you held in for so long i understand why you did it she deserved it anyways for hurting me hurting our kids...hurting you." He said as he kneeled down to my level he hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead," no we can go home and never have to worry about her again my moon."

I was couldn't believe he was ok with this but i was still upset about him leaving us even if it was fkr our safety and freedom there was a better why, you left us tho." I said a little cold his smile faded quickly," ik my love ik but ..i did it your safety and our kids plz ik your upset with me but plz try to understand why i had to do it....plz." He looked guilty and was begging for me to understand and forgive him i was about say something when all of a sudden the door burst led opened.

We all looked and saw the other smiling critters hoppy and bubba walked in and stopped dead in their tracks seeing what i did to crafty and that i was covered in her blood their faces were shocked, fear, and disgust," WTF IS THIS CATNAP WTF DID YOU DO TO CRAFTY!?!?", hoppy yelled at me bubba was disgusted by me and what i did," i...uh..i-i um i-i-i promised I didn't mean to besides she kidnapped us and tortured us me dogday and ours kids plz look at us plz plz plz you have to believe me i was just so damn angry her tried to tame dogday away from me-,"," STFU YOU BASTARD!!!" Hoppy shouted," i knew you were still a monster catnap i fucking knew it you will NEVER change you will always be that stupid, mistakable, monster, freak you will NEVER be one of us you never have been and never will be and this proves us right that your a monster still!!!"

I was shaking i've never seen hoppy so angry at me or anyone before," what-what are you gonna do to me?", hoppy have a pissed off serious face on and said in a cold voice," oh we have a special place for monsters like you.", she snapped her fingers and bubba and picky grabbed me by my arms and dragged me away somewhere dogday came running hoppy held him back he was crying," NO PLZ HE'S DIDNT MEAN TO HE'S NOT A MONSTER PLZ LET HIM GO I LOVE HIM!!!", hoopy held a tight grip on him while bobby and the hicken held the kids from trying to get to me they were crying to begging for them to let me go i heard dogday from down the hallway," LET HIM GO LET MY MOON GO!!!"

They dragged me to playcare and headed to the playhouse once inside they threw me into a cell and locked it," no no no plz let me out I didn't mean to hurt her i promise im not a monster!", i cried but they didn't listen they just walked away and left me alone tk rot in this cell.

"I want my sunlight"

Hello my beautiful moonlights im back doing the story again yay! I also noticed that the adoption story isn't doing that well which I expected completely but anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter bye moonlights :3

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