☀️ Chapter 3🌙

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Panny's POV:

My face was filled with shock at my discovery was Bobby really still alive after all these years and maybe some of the others? I had to make sure this was true.

I grabbed some gear and headed down to that area. It was dark and it smelled like ass and shit it was completely disgusting to be in. I flashed my flashlight around trying to see anything any kind of movement or life.

"Hello anyone down here?", I asked as I continued walking deeper and deeper in the darkness of the room," B-Bobby are you down here it's me Panny?", nothing until I heard some rock move and the sound of voices," w-who's there? who are you? are you friendly?", I shook my head," yes, I am plz have you seen a bear name Bobby bear hug she's my friend." The voice gasp and started whispering.

A figure walk up to me I backed up a little," Panny? Is that really you?", i flashed my light on them my heart stopped tears formed in my eyes," B-Bobby?", I ran and hugged her she hug me back," oh my god Bobby I-i thought you were gone forever!", she comforted me" shhh it's ok panny it's all over now."

She turned to the other figures," it's alright everybody she's a friend of mine." The figures walked over and I gasped.... The other smiling critters were alive hoppy, hicken, bubba all of them," omg your alive... but how I thought catnap killed you all." Bobby signed and explained everything," well you see he did but poppy and kissy brought us back somehow." I was over joyed," what happened to Dogday is he still alive?", oh I have completely forgot about him," oh! Yes he is and he started a family."

The critters were shocked and surprised" wow really with who?", I hesitated," oh um you won't like it but how about we just go see him first." Bobby and the others agreed and followed me back to playcare.

Once we did they was all wondering what had happened I explain to them that the prototype was dead and Randy they were happy they were finally free they explained the reason they stayed hidden was so the prototype wouldn't find them I understood completely I did the same thing.

" ok here we are but promise you won't freak out on dogday's husband/ boyfriend (they aren't married ish) " wait he as kids and their not even married yet?", hicken said confused" well yes Dogday actually got him pregnant well they were new at dating." The were like 😐," I told y'all that dog was desperate for some puppies." Hoppy said with a tone they all rolled there yes at her and I knocked on the door.

Dogday answered" oh, hey panny is everything ok-" Dogday froze in place Bobby waved and the other smiled," hey Dogday long time no see huh?" Dogday started crying and hugged everyone," omg I can't believe your all still alive were you all what happened to you guys I missed you so much you have no idea." They hugged him and comfort him," it's ok Dogday well explain everything we promise." Crafty said sweetly now crafty had a huge crush on Dogday so she's a little jealous that he's now married ish.

" now we're heard you now have a family congratulations." Bubba said and patted him on the back," yea congrats dude panny told us you have four kids had fun I see." Hicken said putting an arm Dogday's shoulder," haha very fun guys now I think you'll be very surprised by my boyfriend so plz don't get scared." Everyone nodded and Dogday called for him.

" uh sweetheart can you come here for a sec we have some company." Me and Dogday started getting nervous we heard footsteps and three is the kids came they stared at the others wondering who they were," who are you guys?", Bobby bend down to their level and smile brightly," oh, were you dad's friends and who may three beautiful children be?"

Dogday walked over," these are my children my two daughters eclipse and sunshine and my son daylight." Everyone thought the children were very cute," aww sunshine looks just like you Dogday." Hoppy said," yeah they are but didn't you say there were four of them?" Bubba asked," oh, um yes there is my boyfriend has him he's name is moondust."

Everyone started getting suspicious about the names and the looks of the children," don't y'all think this one looks a lot like... catnap?" Everyone was quit but nodded," baby did you call who's here-" catnap was shocked everyone looked at catnap they were scared and backed up a little bit," o-oh uh hi catnap it's good to see you again old friend." Catnap couldn't believe this he killed then 10 years ago or so he thought.

" why are you scared of my daddy?", eclipse asked everyone calmed down and Bobby looked at Catnap she didn't fear him anymore she smiled and hugged catnap," hello catnap it's been a long time hasn't it your children are beautiful." Catnap thanked her and everyone went inside.

Dogday's POV:

we all sat down it was very quiet so quite the silence was loud everyone just stared at Catanp some with hate some with fear and some with disgust I knew they would never forgive Catanp for what we did I asked them to not talk about it in front of the kids they didn't need to know about that ever.

" so anyone want any tea?" I offered they all politely said no thanks or maybe later. I could tell catnap was getting comfortable with all the staring and got up to put the kids down for a nap then hoppy started talking.

" are you fucking kidding me Dogday him? You had kids with him after everything did to us and you still loved him are you fucking kidding me." She didn't shout we didn't want the kids or catnap to hear this," look I know he did a lot of bad things in the past but he's changed I promise plus I still loved him deeply."

Bobby was the only one who felt bad she never held a grudge over anything and I'm very surprised not even about this but I could still tell she was a little mad," look you don't have to forgive him but plz don't tell our kids about.... That day.", I begged they all looked away I explained everything that has happened to him with the prototype and with Randy they all started to feel a little bad but not a lot.

Crafty and hoppy and I started arguing," you can't just fucking trust this guy he killed you bloody friends and you still went and fucked him and had kids with him who does that?!", I got angry," me that's who I did hate him at first but then I learned to forgive him and my heart still wanted him."," and something else still wanted him😏" we looked at hicken and he looked away," what about everything I did for you I told you my feelings, my secrets, and even my problems and you loved him who didn't even do anything!" Crafty was arguing about my love life not being with her.

" I already told you crafty I was gay I'm pansexual why can't you just except that?!" She started crying from the anger," why did you guys even come back just to yell at me and to say things about my boyfriend?!", I shouted hoppy had enough," WELL WHY DID YOU START FAMILY WITH A MONSTER!!?", Everything stayed quiet I was shocked hoppy left the house everyone but hicken, Bobby, and picky stayed they forgave Catanp after a lot of thinking ofc.

They stayed with us for a while until we could find a place for them stay. I walked in my room and heard something little sniffs I knew catnap probably heard hoppy. I felt bad he didn't deserve to hear any of that or be called a monster.

I got in bed with him and rapped my arms around him he was under the blanket me so I went under them to seeing he's face covered in tears made my heart break I hated seeing him like this," shhh it's ok baby they didn't mean it I know they didn't." He cried in my arms letting it all out," they are right tho I am a monster I killed them." He whispered the last part thinking one of the kids would come by I tried my best to comfort him the best I could.

" no no baby their wrong your not a monster your the love of my life never forget that ok?", he calmed down and snuggled he's face on my chest my face got warm," you smell good." He said," um thank you 😅"

He stared purring," you smell like vanilla." I mean that is my scent so yeah 👍," and you smell lavender." He chuckled," thank  you dear." I kiss him on the head and we both fell asleep.

Wow another chapter hoped you all liked it bye for now moonlights :3

☀️the family we made🌙Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin