| Chapter 4 |

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The week passed quickly.

Miyeon had decided not to go on vacation with her friends after what had happened with Minnie, but Soojin had managed to convince her.

The day of departure had finally arrived. Minnie had rented a van and the girls were ready to load their suitcases.

Nicha had just placed Soyeon and Yuqi's suitcases, ready to load Soojin and Shuhua's.

The brunette arrived, seeing Minnie leaning against the side of the van with a cigarette between her lips.

Miyeon was almost hurt by that sight. Minnie had always said she hated smoking, but apparently that was not true. She no longer knew what was true and what wasn't with Minnie.

Minnie approached her, ready to take her suitcase, but Miyeon ignored her, independently loading her luggage into the van. The brunette looked at Nicha, with a worried but slight angry look.

"Since when did you start smoking again?" the girl asked, surprising Nicha.

The Thai feared that Miyeon would not speak to her for the entire trip, but apparently she was wrong.

"Do you have a problem with that?" asked Minnie, presumptuously.

Miyeon glowered at her before answering.

"You said you had quit and that you hated smoking. Was that another one of your lies?" asked Miyeon, harshly. "Oh, wait. Maybe that's not that deep either?"

Nicha looked at Miyeon as the girl climbed into the van, sitting in the second row, along with Shuhua and Soojin.

The Thai threw her cigarette on the floor, extinguishing it with her foot, before tossing it into a trash can.

Minnie climbed into the driver's seat, adjusted the rearview mirror, seeing Miyeon, her gaze fixed on the window. Minnie's gaze shifted to the other two couples.

Shuhua was hugging Soojin, while her head was on the raven's breast; the same was for Yuqi and Soyeon in the last row. The Chinese girl had her head on the short blondie's breast, while the latter stroked her head.

The girl sighed, starting the engine, lowering her sunglasses.

The trip would last five hours, and Minnie would drive the whole time.

The first two and half hours of the trip passed and Nicha decided to stop at a gas station to have tea and fill up the tank.

The girl pulled over, looking behind her, seeing all her friends resting except Soyeon, who was listening to music.

"Soyeon-ah, do you need anything?" asked Thai politely, seeing the girl shake her head.

Minnie got out of the car, returning a few minutes later with a cup of black tea in her hands. The girl placed the cup on the hood of the car, approaching the gas pump.

Nicha stood by the tank, the pump in her hand and the cup in the other.

The van opened and Miyeon got out, running toward the gas station, worrying the girl.

Minnie finished filling up, before running in the direction Miyeon had gone.

The Thai entered the restrooms, hearing someone vomiting.

"Yeon?" she asked, hearing no response. "Miyeon, are you here?"

One of the doors unlocked, but no one came out.

"Miyeon?" asked Thai, stepping through the door.

The brunette was on the floor, her face turned toward the toilet bowl.

Minnie bent down beside her, lifting the girl's hair with her hands, stroking her back, patiently waiting for her to finish vomiting.

"Yeon? Is everything all right?" asked Minnie, reaching for some tissues, softly wiping her friend's lips.

One of Thai's hands was on the girl's shoulder, wiping her lips with the other.

"Y-Yeah, I got a little motion sickness," Miyeon said, trying to catch her breath as Nicha stroked her face, wiping away her sweat.

"Sit up in the front seat with me," said the girl, seeing Miyeon nodding. "Do you think you can make it to get up? Do you still need to vomit?"

Miyeon shook her head, clasping her hands on Nicha's shirt. Minnie helped her up, supporting her from her elbows, before moving her closer to the sink, helping her wash her face.

The two returned to the car and Miyeon sat next to Minnie.

The Thai took off her jacket, wrapping it around the girl's shoulders.

"If you ever need anything, tell me," Minnie said, before going to the driver's side.

Nicha started the engine, driving off again.

Miyeon fell asleep after a few minutes, easing Minnie's mind.

Slowly, the other girls woke up as well, starting to make noise.

"Shh," whispered Nicha, shushing her friends. "Be quiet. Miyeon just fell asleep, I wouldn't want her to wake up."

The van became silent again and their journey continued.

Hours passed and finally Minnie reached Wando's port.

After half an hour the girls were on the ferry.

"How are you feeling, Yeon?" asked Minnie, trying to distract Miyeon.

"I feel better." said the brunette, before looking up. "Thank you for helping me."

"You know I would do anything for you, Yeon," said Nicha, taking Miyeon's hand.

The brunette pushed her hand away, making their situation strange.

"Yeon, I-"

"Not now, Min. Please."

The two remained silent as they waited to land on the island.

To Be Continued...

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