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The Force had guided me to a dark cave. This place drew me like a magnet, screaming at me to come inside. As I stepped inside, I saw the Jedis again. They were decimating another species. The Lazats. But this time... I decided to react. I was no longer tetanized by fear, hatred was inside me. I felt so powerful. I drew my two lightsabers and killed them one by one. Never again would they hurt anyone. My decision to leave this Order had been the best of my life. The Jedi were anything but peacekeepers. They were assassins. They were lies, treachery and vice. I was going to find Anakin, and together we would brought peace.

At the far end of the cave were two blood-red Kyber crystals. A smile spread across my face. I finally understood. Only the dark side would restore peace.
I grabbed the two crystals and shattered the ones in my sabers. The lie was behind me.

I left the cave and returned to my damaged vehicle. I decided to meditate and found the places where the elements needed for the piece that would repair my ship were to be found. Using the Force, I drew them towards me and created the room. I stood up and placed it. At last, I could set off again.

Aboard my ship, I was guided by the Force. I entered the coordinates for Mustafar and entered hyperspace. I sensed that Anakin was there, and that he was in danger.

After a few minutes, I landed and stepped out of my ship. I felt Anakin's presence and all his emotions. The Force cried out to me to help him. I began to run and, little by little, I could see two blue lights clashing in the distance. I continued my run until I was only a few meters away from them : Obi-wan and Anakin.

I feel and understand Anakin's anger. I trust him, I have no doubt, the Jedi have betrayed us.

I couldn't understand what Kenobi was saying. But suddenly I saw Anakin leaping dangerously at Obi-Wan. I jumped, just as Anakin was about to be killed by his former Master.
- It won't happen while I'm still alive, Obi-wan!
I then slice his lightsaber in two and break it.
- Ashoka?" said Kenobi.
I didn't respond. I moved towards Anakin. He was wounded; Obi-wan had managed to cut off his only human arm.
My anger made me powerful, my eyes turned yellow and I activated both my lightsabers.
I turned, but nothing. The coward was gone.

I couldn't believe it. Ashoka had returned, and she had saved my life. But she was different. Much more powerful. It didn't matter to me, I'd changed and grown stronger too. I'd protect her whether she was weak or strong.
- Ashoka
- Anakin, come with me, we need to heal your arm.
- No.
- No ?
- Padmé, we have to go see Padmé. She's on the landing platform.
- Anakin, that's not possible. I was on that platform a few minutes ago and no one was there.
- What? How is this possible ?
- Anakin, calm down. My ship is there, the medical droid will treat you and we'll find her.

His anger made him uncontrollable, his power fascinated me. But I was confused, even if I hadn't really been paying attention to my surroundings when I arrived. I would have seen Padmé or her ship. In fact, she'd probably have called me. She's like an older sister to me.
We'd arrived, and as I'd said, there was no sign of anyone.
- WHERE IS SHE? shouted Anakin.
- I don't know.
- I know who's behind this. He manipulated me.
- Who is it?
- Together we can defeat him.
- BUT WHO? I shouted, hating it when he didn't listen to me.
- Palpatine.
I didn't answer. So he was the Sith lord. I'd had enough of these Jedi and Sith, I wanted peace, and I was going to kill if I had to.
We returned to my ship and I ordered the droid to look after Anakin. R2 had joined us and was entering the coordinates for Coruscant, where Darth Sidious was.

The robot gave me a second metal arm. But I didn't care. I was beginning to see through Palpatine's game. I was going to ask him for answers.

We had finally arrived. Closely followed by Ashoka, we put on our hoods and entered the Senate. By using The Force, I grabbed a clone.
- Where is the Emperor?
- I..I..d..don't...know.
I killed him immediately. These clones were of no help to me. But this wasn't a problem. I could feel my Master's presence.
I finally found him in one of the corridors.
- Lord Vader, have you accomplished your mission? And who are you bringing with you?
- Where's Padmé?
- Didn't you feel it? It seems that in your anger, you killed her.
- No. She was alive. I felt it.
- No, my boy, she's no longer of this world.
- Liar! You lied to me! You promised to save her.
I drew my lightsaber and began to attack him. Ashoka joined me. Our combined power was immense, and I could feel that Palpatine was gradually coming to understand it.

Darth Sidious was extremely strong. But he was no match for us. We knew each other by heart. I knew exactly what move Anakin was going to make, and he knew mine. We quickly gained the upper hand in the fight. We went outside on the roof. The fight was tough. One mistake was fatal. But the idea that this man had orchestrated Padmé's death made us furious, and more powerful. After long minutes of fighting, I managed to push Palpatine to the ground, and when Anakin was about to execute him. He jumped down and fled on a ship that had just appeared.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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