Chapter 4: Not mine, He Never will be Anyway

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Do you sexy people think i should make every chapter 300 words longer?? Because the last 3 chapters have been getting 300 words longer (1st chapter: around 400 words. 2nd chapter: around 700 words. 3rd chapter: around 1000 words) So should this chapter be 300 words??
-PS❤️👏(the smarter owner)

After their second night in the Astronomy Tower, Draco realizes that he has started feeling something for Harry

During Breakfast Draco and Harry keep smiling and waving at each other until Draco realizes how cute Harry looks while smiling like that

Dracos POV
After breakfast i rush to my dorm, i dont want to talk to anyone.. i need to think about something..

Third person/narrators POV
Draco gets to his dorm and sits down on his bed, his head immediately gets flooded with thoughts like: Potter has never looked that cute before, I hope this feeling will just pass, Theres no way i could ever love him, Why am i like this?!, Fine.. maybe i do love him but just as a friend..

Draco: Nobody can find out about my feelings, ill just bottle them up, i just have to realize that Harry wont ever like me and that hes NOT mine, he never will be anyway
Harry: Hey Draco, could you pass me the giant snails eggs and the tentacle slime?

Draco: Sure, here you go..

Harry: smiles Thank you, oh and also.. Do you want to go up to the Astronomy Tower this night as well? I sneaked a few pieces of candy from the muggle world into hogwarts so i think you should try them with me!

Draco: he smiles back at Harry and looks into his big beautiful green eyes Ive never eaten muggle candy before, we should meet at the Tower at 10pm today

Harry: Any particular reason to why we will meet an hour earlier?

Draco: Yeah, id like to hang out with you longer..

Harry: blushes Thats a really nice thing to say, we havent been friends for a long time but i feel amazing with you! Its like we were meant to be by each others sides from the very beginning.. Just so you know, im sorry that i didnt shake your hand at the start of the 1st Year at Hogwarts, i-i was just nervous because you looked so cool and also everybody told me that i should be afraid of the Malfoy Family...

Draco: Youre still sorry about that?? Dont worry about it! I have gotten over it YEARS ago
(Draco was in fact still quite sad about it)

Harry: Really? Well im still sorry about it, lets just focus on the potion now

Third person/narrators POV

Like almost every night, Harry is walking up the stairs to the Tower, he walks up to the railing and looks up at the stars, suddenly he hears a noise behind him

Draco: The moon is quite beautiful tonight, isnt it? He looks down at Harry

Harry: He looks up at Draco It is, its so beautiful tonight.. So what are we going to do about the rumours?

Draco: Let them say whatever they want to, i love you Harry and thats all that i care about

Harry: Wait.. did you just say that you loved me?!

Draco: Draco realizes what he just said UH I MEANT IT IN A FRIENDLY WAY I SWEAR

Harry: Yeah i doubt that!!

Draco: Oh come on, i was just trying to cheer you up and you had to ruin the moment

Harry: I wasnt trying to ruin the moment! I was just shocked

Draco: About me saying i love you to you? Thats a normal thing, friends do it all the time! I bet you and your "Golden Trio" do it all the time

Harry: You're right.. we do say that to each other.. But only sometimes so technically you're not right!

Draco: he sighs You always need to have the last word, dont you, Pottah?

Harry: I was just trying to explain to you that.. uh.. that-.. I dont even know what i was trying to prove... Lets just sit down and talk for the night

Draco:  Sure, That sounds like the perfect plan honestly

They sit down and talk for a few hours, their friend ship becomes deeper but they both want more than just a friendship

Draco and Harry somehow end up cuddling, Draco has his arms around Harrys lower waist and Harry has his head on Dracos chest, Dracos head is buried in Harrys messy dark hair

Draco: Do you ever wonder what would happen if muggles would one day find out about our world?

Harry: he chuckles A lot of them already know

Draco: You know what i meant! Im not talking about muggles that just have a magical child that goes to Hogwarts, im talking about complete muggles who just hate magic

Harry: Well thats basically my Uncle and Aunt, they hate magic so for the last 17 years they have kept me as a secret from everyone

Draco: What? Thats terrible.. Do they even care about you?

Harry: They just use me as their personal maid, cleaner, chef and boxing bag

Draco: Did you just say boxing bag?.. Harry, i am going to make sure that when we graduate Hogwarts after this year ends, i will make sure they get punished and you'll get to live at the Malfoy Manor or you could just buy your own place but i will certainly not allow somebody to treat my best friend like that!

Harry: I dont really want help, its nothing-..

Draco: You dont want help but you need and i want to help you, alright?

Harry: Fine, fine..

TIME SKIP; its 4am and theyre going back to their dorms

Harry: Hey Draco.. before we go, remember when you said that you love me a few hours ago up on the Astronomy Tower?

Draco: Yes.. But dont get the wrong idea! It was just in a friendly way

Harry: Draco...

Draco: Yes, Harry?

Draco: Just say it Harry, please

Harry: I love you too... and its in a romantic way, not just a friendly way.. Goodnight Draco

Draco: Goodnight Harry.. i also love you in a romantic way...

I dont plan on making a happy ending to this fanfic btw, the word count is actually not 300 more words.. theres only 100 more words (the word count is 1100 :D !!!)

-PS🗣 (the sexier owner)
I have no idea if sexier is an actual word

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