Chapter 2: Sensitive Harry and Rumours

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My fonts are still not fixed grrrr it makes me so mad because not having different fonts just makes the fanfic so messy but im really trying to write this nicely

-PS (the cutie pie owner)

No ones POV
The Golden Trio walk into the great hall for breakfast
Hermonie: I heard that Miss Norris saw some students up on the Astronomy Tower at night, she has to stop butting in on others people business..

Ron: You're so right 'Monie, that grumpy that just cant mind her own business, she should know her place! Am i right Harry?

Harry: (did Miss Norris really see me and Malfoy up there yesterday?.. Oh god, what if she thought we were snogging or something like that)  Y-yeah i agree with you guys entirely! I mean, were almost adults and we still cant walk around the castle on our own, thats so not fair and annoying

The Trio sits down at the Gryffindor table, Harry notices Draco looking at him from afar, Harry smiles at Draco and Draco winks to him, Harry chuckles and Draco makes a heart with his hands.. Harry blushes and Draco blows him a kiss, Harry is about to blow a kiss back but somebody stops him..

Ron: Oi mate! Who you lookin at? It better not be one of the Slytherins over there

Harry: It was no one.. just forget about it mate

Ron: Uuu i bet its your crush, come on man no need to be ashamed, whos the lucky girl? -*ron smirks at Harry*-

Harry: Buzz off Ron, i told you to forget about it

Ron: Oi dont get angry! I was just trying to be a supportive friend!

Hermonie: Ron is right Harry, you shouldnt get mad over something so small..

Harry: Whatever, im leaving breakfast early.

Ron: its really not that deep.

-*he ignores Ron and leaves the great hall*-

Dracos POV
(Why is Harry leaving so early? I wonder what he talked about with his friends.. it's probably nothing, maybe hes just tired.. i feel like i should go talk to him but i dont think that were at this point of our friendship yet.. fuck it ill just go comfort him)
-*he walks out of the great hall and looks for Harry*-

There you are! What happened? Whyd you leave breakfast early, you didn't even eat anything

Harry: im fine, my friends are just being annoying

Do you want to eat breakfast together in the astronomy tower?

Harry: -*he chuckles*- youre so dumb sometimes, someone is definitely teaching a class there right now

Yeah.. i guess youre right.. so maybe lets eat together in the Slytherin dorms?

Harry: You think they wouldnt beat me up or something?

No, and if they do my father will make sure to sue them

Harry: alright then, lead the way Malfoy
No ones POV
  Draco and Harry arrive inside of the Slytherin common room

Draco: i have a private dorm, nobody will disturb us there

Harry: Wait, its possible to have private dorms?

Draco: of course! It just takes a lot of time and money to convince Professor Snape and Dumbledore..
Quick info: I GOT MY FONTS FIXED!!
Draco and Harry go to Dracos dorm and they sit down on his bed

Draco: okay so first of all, i want us to become actual friends from now on so we will call each other by our first names, is that alright with you Harry?

Harry: uhh yeah.. ill just need to get used to it, Draco

Draco and Harry smile at each other

Draco: Sooo what would you like to do now Harry?

Harry: We should study for our potions test, i dont understand anything.. could you help me please?..

Draco: Sure! Just give me your book

After a few hours of studying somehow Draco and Harry end up cuddling and sleeping together, Harrys head on Dracos chest and Dracos arm around Harrys waist, they keep sleeping peacefully until...

A person: OH MY GOD!!

An innocent Slytherin student was just trying to go get Draco from his dorm because Snape wanted to talk to him has discovered Draco Malfoy and Harry potter cuddling, soon the whole Slytherin house surrounds Dracos dorm to see Draco and Harry cuddling.. then most of the school hears about it, the rumours already start spreading after only two days of Harry and Draco being friends

Around 300 more words than the last chapter, it's currently 11pm so the chapter is just quite lazy, sorry not sorry🫡

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