S1 PT6: Clash

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The trenches are silent. Spotlights are still directing their lights to the night sky above.

Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) "Resilience"

6 worker drones, wearing winter camo and helmets are sitting inside the dimly lit up interior of the APC.

They're holding their rifles in their hands, chattering with each other. The aussie driver is smoking a cigarette. beside him, sits the vehicle commander. in the middle, sits the gunner.

"I serve the WDF for 2 days now, what about yall?"

"I just got drafted."

"Mate, I've been here for a bloody week now!"

The squad sits in the armored personnel carrier patroling around the snowy terrain. Suddenly, the radar detects a flying object. Rapidly approaching their vehicle.

"Erm, sir-"


The gunner complies and silently starts to aim the machine gun turret on the approaching target. It must be a murder drone.

N is about to strike them down! The machine gun starts blasting 12mm rounds, the crew swiftly exits the vehicle. As they all do, N penetrates the hull by colliding with it on high speeds. Using his blades.


WDF recruits unleash a barrage of gunfire with their autorifles. N's visor is pierced by many, he takes cover and rips out the APC's turret, it is still blasting.
N aims it at the WDF soldiers.

"Oh crap!"

One of them screams, as the bodies of the recruits are penetrated with 12mm

N throws the APC wreck at the remaining 2. Crushing them on an instant. The vehicle commander has warned the trench positions before he was crushed and his body was reduced to a pile of scrap and oil.

Dave, or mustache guy gets prepared for the assault on his position.

"We've got a Murder Drone in outer ring A! Maggots! Prepare! Artillerymen, PRESENT!"

The artillerymen load munitions in the howitzers, in the trenches. The howitzers are loaded, Present and ready to fire! In Dave's tent, Radarmen are working on determining where the threat is.

"Sir! we've got a rapidly approaching target at 12 o'clock!"

"Lets give them hell, recruit!"

Dave leaves his tent and screams.


"Yes sir!"

Recruits prepare to fire at will, while artillerymen adjust their howitzers to shoot.


A deafening row of howitzer fire sounds across miles. HE shells whistle as they travel through the air at high speeds, spearheading N. Who is currently approaching at high speeds with his wings.

N hears approaching whistling sounds.

"What's that?"

Shells rain down on him. "Ow! Ugh! Eek!"

N tries to dodge the raining storm of shells. Exploding right near him as he flies. And deafening N.

Back at the trench...


Artillerymen swiftly adjust the cannons and keep blasting, reloading at high speeds. HE shells are launched at N who is about to meet Dave's positions. Mustache guy pulls out his high-quality officer pistol, ready to meet the murder drone. The sounds of firing 75mm cannons pierce through the silence of the night.

N keeps dodging and trying to avoid harm. The deafening explosions are unbearable! N glides near the ground and keeps rapidly approaching the trenches.

He finally gets close. The worker drones start firing their guns, and artillerymen change to AP shells. One of them directly hits N and sends him flying. His legs torn off him. That really hurts.

N crash lands in a ruined skyscraper. His maintenance systems quickly repair him. As he gets closer to the fortifications again, he is more careful and tries to dodge the shells.

Finally. He lands in the 1st trench. Worker drones scream.
"Murder Drone!!"
"Fire at will!"

Some retreat. Others remain. N changes his hands to chainsaws. Its massacare time!

N swiftly and brutally slashes through the recruits shooting at him with their makeshift autorifles. Each of them screams and cries in agony as he cuts them all in half. Perfectly clean.
Howitzers on the last, 3rd trench keep trying to aim at N. He responds with firing a rocket. And hitting one of the howitzer's cannon. Making the shell loaded inside explode violently. N keeps withstanding the barrage of bullets as more worker drones rise from the 2nd trench and fire at N.

N charges up a laser and cuts a group of 5 or 6 perfectly in half. He jumps the others with his claws and swords. Causing more pain and agony to the worker drones.

"God. V would want to be here." N thinks to himself. Not particuluary enjoying sadistic ways of killing.

N approaches the last recruit. He trembles and begs for mercy.
The recruit, in fear, shoots N with his pistol. N catches the bullet with his teeth. N throws the recruit far away. He screams mid-air and is sent flying by N.
Just so he has a chance of survival.

N moves to the 3rd trench.

"Fire!" Dave shouts.

All howitzers fire at N with armor piercing shells at the same time. He just dodges by simply moving left quickly. N deploys his SMGs, and begins blasting the artillerymen and the howitzers. Dave screams and starts to shoot N with his officer pistol.

N finally enters the trench and starts to dismember survivors for oil. Pouring their oil in vials for liquid.

"So how's life been mate?" N asks with a friendly tone.

"Die!" Mustsche guy shouts. Still shooting N.

"Mustache dude. You do remember you can't kill me with that. Yup?"


"Okay mustache guy!"

N casually leaves, gliding up to the sky, after getting his daily dose of combat and oil for his family.

Leaving Dave as the lone survivor again. He swears and starts to kick around the unarmed shells and heads of his dead men.

"Fucking piece of a shit! Crap! Bullshit! FUCK!!!"

N returns to the shelter. R is sitting on V's lap in the kitchen. Reading a book with her. V is wearing her old glasses for reading.

N warmly smiles and puts the oil he got in the storage. Then continues with his daily life. Full of joy with his 7 year old son and his wife. That he knows for 28 years now. His whole life.

N's happy.

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