5. Ice Cream and You.

Start from the beginning

"Great! Today we also have a half day at school, our pre-tests gonna start on Monday." Jimin said doing a tiny jump on his toe.

"Okay then see you in the noon. Go to school safely." Jungkook said as he pulled his front car door but before getting in he turned towards Jimin.

"Don't worry hum? I'm totally okay, yesterday night was nothing." He said softly and patted the small boy in front of him.

Jimin wants to believe his brother like every other time but today he can read the lie lying beneath these words Jungkook lets out. So he kept staring at the eyes of Jungkook.

"Mimi, it's okay!" The older shook him by holding his shoulders, Jimin nodded with his head low.

"If you are thinking you can fool me again then you are wrong brother. do not lie to me because now I'm not the ten years boy you left behind five years ago. Now I'm seventeen and believe me when I say I know things which I should be known to" Jimin says and lifts his hand to pat Jungkook's head softly before walking away, giving a little smile to the man.


Jungkook reached home after his half day at his clinic before Jimin. He thought of getting changed and taking a shower.

He was downstairs in fifteen minutes wearing a blue t-shirt with white sweatpants, and the clock showed two of noon.

With the thought of the kids, Jungkook walks inside the kitchen and starts making lunch, his dad is running late again.

As he was making Bibimbap he noticed there were not many carrots left for four people, and also he noticed he missing some ingredients for tteokbokki.

And to his bad luck doorbell rang indicating that Jimin and his friends were already there. With a sigh, he went to open the door.

"Welcome home," Jungkook says opening the door and letting the students in.

"Thank you," the three friends bow to him as they open their shoes.

Jungkook let them sit on the couch and have their breath back after running a marathon to home.

"Mimi, will you go and buy me some things for the lunch?" Jimin whines at his brother's words, shaking his head repeatedly.

"Sweetie please" and Jimin melts when Jungkook pleads a little with soft eyes.

"Uff okay! Always have to do the work! I'm so done with this family. I have always taken care of this house. So much work on my head then school and all! Uff I'm so tired of this awful world!" Jimin kept mumbling like an old man and went out of the house after Jungkook told him what to buy while a smiling yoongi followed behind to give him company.

When he was out of the house Jungkook let out a soft laugh with shaking his head in disbelief. "This boy! Behaving an old person"

"I know right? He always behaves like this in school when I don't come with food." Taehyung says and giggles with Jungkook.

The older man stopped smiling and his whole attention went to Taehyung now. "And why you do miss tiffin, sir?" He asked with a serious face and raised eyebrows.

Jungkook watched and the boy gulped before laughing awkwardly. "I just don't like the food our home service makes"

"Why don't your mom do that for you?" Jungkook asked curiously, this was the time when he could ask Taehyung some questions as their alone.

"You see. hmm.. she is a little busy always." Taehyung said, Jungkook stopped himself from asking any questions further when he noticed the change in the boy's behavior.

"Do you want some ice cream?" Rather he chooses to make Taehyung comfortable around him again.

"Yes!" Taehyung eyes lit up when Jungkook mentioned ice cream.

"Okay follow me, sir." With a little giggle, Jungkook addressed him as Sir Taehyung followed the man to the kitchen.

"Which one do you want Taehyung? Chocolate, vanilla, mint chocolate, or strawberry?" Jungkook asked peeking at the smaller boy from behind the freezer.

"Strawberry please," it was so cute, the voice Taehyung let out with the answer. Jungkook's lips lifted automatically, hearts suddenly melting at the sight of those two colors of puppy eyes.

"Here's your ice cream sir." Jungkook gave the boy a cup of ice cream and placed a chair beside the kitchen counter so Taehyung could sit there and enjoy the cold food while he eyed the dish he was making before on the oven.

"Thank you! Hyung" Taking the cup from Jungkook's hand, Taehyung sat on the chair before taking the first spoon of the ice.

Jungkook smiled at him and then went back to cooking the dishes he was preparing.

"I heard your pre-test is starting on Monday?" Jungkook asked, testing the food before adding some salt.

"Yes yes! Although I've been preparing for it for months I'm still very anxious." Jungkook nodded at the boy, he had crossed that phase and knew the feeling well.

"Is there any subject you are having a problem with?" As he turns toward Taehyung, he starts laughing seeing the boy having cream up and lower side of his lips, fully concentrated on the cup.

Taehyung nodded, not minding the laugh still very much into his food, " Hum-um, math! That X and Y being my biggest enemy." Then he looks up at the older man who still has a huge smile on his lips.

"Mimi also has problems with maths," Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded, as they both are in the same class he knows his friend gets so irritated when the math teacher comes to teach them.

They both later fell into a comfortable silence, one was busy cooking while another was having his time of life with ice cream. But suddenly Jungkook stops and looks at Taehyung." When is your math test?"

"Friday, next week, that's our last exam," Taehyung replied, keeping the empty cup in the kitchen sink.

"We got one week then..." Jungkook mumbled as he started thinking of something. " Do one thing, come to my house in the evening after your exams each day. I will teach and solve your remaining problems for this one week." He proposed, wanting to help the kids.

"But your work? Hyung please I appreciate your kindness but still what about your work-"

"No no, don't worry about that! I do not work under anyone Taehyung. I own the clinic and it will work the way I want. So I can manage my patients on my own time. But tell me if you have any problem with this."Jungkook talks while cutting more veggies.

"Oh? No no, I'm okay, but I do have to return home before eight." Jungkook felt Taehyung standing while leaning on the counter.

"I see, when will your exam end?"

"11.00 am to 2.00 pm."

"Then you will be home within an hour I guess? So 3 I will give you guys 30 minutes to eat, then we gonna start before 4 I'm assuming. 4 to 8 enough"

"Sound great to me!!" Taehyung let out little loudly making Jungkook laugh again.


To be continued 💜

Getting to know eachother I see👀

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