Mayday! Mayday! Massive TMI! Oh, So not where his brain needed to go right now. Or ever. No. Just no. Anything, think of anything else. Kittens. Dancing kittens. Wait, kittens don't dance, what's that stupid YouTube video with the bird...Arrgh! Seriously needed to develop a brain-scrubber when he got back to his lab.

Bruce's laughter followed him into the football stadium arena Thor called a throne room.

Okay. What was it with guys and eye-patches? What was this, the white Viking version of Fury? Tony trusted him just about as far. And the whole kneeling before the king, yeah, not going to happen. That whole 1776 thing took care of that.

At least until a rock-solid force of human nature nearly sent Tony onto his knees. Only Cap's reflexes kept Tony from ending up an ungraceful heap on the floor. "Sorry." Wide blue eyes took in the space, the full Medieval armored guards flanking the whole processional, Thor paying homage to his dad with bent knee and everything. One blond brow rose, and Tony could almost hear a similar sentiment bouncing around Cap's brain. Nope, not kneeling to the God of Mischief, sure as hell not kneeling to this guy with the down-the-nose gaze mastered. Hell, Loki had been a liberal compared to Daddy Odin.

Tony paid partial attention to Thor presenting the Avengers to his old man

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Tony paid partial attention to Thor presenting the Avengers to his old man. Spangles handled the responses well enough. Greetings from Earth. Blah, blah, blah. Happy to help with this situation. Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. Tony managed a decent incline from the waist. Not as much as he gave Elizabeth II, but she was a cool old lady. Tony liked her. He wasn't sure about the Pirate King.

"Thor tells me you have disturbing news regarding my younger son." Oh yeah, even the voice was down-the-nose. Probably insulted the puny mortals didn't kneel in awe. "I would know of this, since my own power guards the prison and Loki is still there. You will provide me with the material you have found."

Way to win friends and influence people, there, Cyclops. Tony raised a brow, letting Odin know in one look just how unimpressed with the whole overlord, allfather, god thing this lowly mortal happened to be. "Steve, if you'd be so kind as to put the case you've schlepped halfway across the known universe over here, I'd appreciate it." See? This is how you ask nicely.

"Sure, Tony." Cap wasn't doing a half-bad rendition of not-impressed, himself. And Tony noticed the shield settled right between himself and Odin, totally at the ready, after Cap set the case down.

Tony hid a smirk. Aww. Didn't know you cared, Capsicle. Kinda thinking I'm glad you do, though, from the glare on One-Eye's face.

Tony slid a panel open on the side of the server—which, really, was more of a portable JARVIS unit with all that entailed—before hooking it up to the ambient light generator and—because it was fun and would annoy Odin—gave the the generator a slightly dramatic shove, which sent it sliding out into the middle of the overly big audience hall. Okay, so maybe the shove was a little more than slightly dramatic, what with the unit starting to hum and unfold solar panels and doing all the cool robotics setups and shit. But the looks of fear and trepidation on the Asgardian faces around them, those steps back from the 'magic' Midgardian machine—Yeah, totally worth it.

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