Chapter 1 the first day of school

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Alister woke up in the morning, the sun was glaring through his window straight into his eyes. He picks up his phone off the bedside table, it says its 7:00 am. He shoves it in his pocket and stands up to go get changed.

He slides on a pair of black jeans, and a grey button up shirt, he grabs his backpack he packed the night before, connecting his earbuds to his phone, then sliding it in the pocket of his jeans. Alister leaves the room and runs down the stairs, and into the kitchen. "Are you ready for school? Its your first day you dont want to be late." His mom, Maria said "No i just enjoy waking up early and carrying around a backpack" Alister said sarcastically. Maria rolls her eyes at her son's remark.

She hands him a bowl of froot loops, "Eat quick then i'll drive you to school" Maria said, Alister gave her a thumbs up because he's already shoveling it into his mouth. Soon enuff he finished off the bowl of cereal, and goes out to the garage and gets in the car. Alister starts scrolling on tumblr while he is waiting for his mom to come out to the car.

Maria finally gets in the car "what ya listening to?" She said noticing the earbud in her son's ear. "Oh, it's called not allowed it's by tv girl" he said knowing his mom wouldn't know it
"Ohh i think i've heard about that" she said to his surprise. Maria starts driving to his school "so, you exited? New school and all." She said reminding him about how it will be harder to fit in while avoiding a stupid song you hear in anime edits.

They pull up to Alister's new school "have a good day, make friends!" His mom said he knew he wouldn't, he didnt have friends in his old school why would this be any different? "Okay bye mom" Alister shuts the car door, and walks toward the school trying to not be noticed. He goes into the busy hallways of the school, and starts trying to find his way to the principal's office. A cheerful girl that looked like one of those preppy girls comes up to him. "Hi! I'm Emily, and you are?" She says, "uh, Alister" "oh thats not a name you hear everyday" she says energetically, "are you lost?" Alister is hoping judging by that she's going to help him because he is, totally lost and feels like he is going in circles "yeah..." she giggles "well, where are you trying to go?" She tilts her head "i'm trying to find the principal's office?" Alister says feeling like a total dumby "i can walk you there if you want?" He can tell she is totally trying to flirt with him, and he hates it because it would be harder to hide his secret, if he has people hanging out around him.

"Sure" he sighs knowing even though he doesn't want to hang out with this girl, he still has no clue where he is or where the principal's office is. "Great!" They start walking she is leading him like she knows these halls like the back of her hand, which she probably does he has no idea how long she's been going to this school, "so do you like music?" She says looking at his earbud "some" he really dosen't want to talk about music because somehow every time he does that damn song gets brought up. "Who's your favourite artist?" She said "tv girl" he knows she's probably going to judge him for that but he doesn't really care since he doesn't want to be friends really anyway. "Mine's either Taylor Swift, or Olivia Rodrigo!" Of course the two most over listened to artists "cool" he didn't honestly care, he just knew she probably wasn't comfortable in silence, and that's why she is making small talk.

"Here we are!" She says referring to a door that says 'principal' on it "thanks" Alister knocks on the door then goes in. The principal seamed pretty friendly, but something was weird about him. Alister quickley got his schedule then got out of there. Emily was gone "probably went to one of her classes" Alister thought. He found his locker then put a few of his books, and pencils, ext. In it then headed to his first class, it was really boring, all the other teens in there looked like your stereotypical popular group.

He kept going through his school day, untill lunch rolled around. He went and got the gross food they were serving that day at the cafeteria, and went to go sit in the bathroom to eat, but when he was making his way out of the cafeteria, he heard his name bieng called "Alister! Hey! Alister!" He looked and saw Emily sitting with a table of other people, she was waving her hand back and forth in the air waving him over. Alister went over to the table "uh hey" he said awkwardly, he didnt have great social skills since he hadn't really had friends before.

Alister sat down at the free spot at the table next to Emily "guy's this is Alister" Emily said pointing at him "Alister these are my friends!" The group all welcomed him, but he still felt nervous, like they were tricking him, and they were going ro stab him in the back the minute they got the chance. A girl with dyed pink hair in a high ponytail said "hey do you know the song happy pills? Its by weathers?" Alisters heart starts racing, if he says no she will probably play it, but if he says yes then she might still play it, "yeah...i know it, but i dont like it" he said praying that would convince her not to play it. "Oh is that the one that goes-" Emily says As alister covers his ears as tight as possible. She looks at him confused not finishing his sentence "okay i know you don't like it but do you really have to do that?" She said looking a little annoyed. Alister uncovers his ears, "i really, really, don't like it" he tries to make it less awkward.

Emily raises an eyebrow, "whatever" he is finished his food so to stop the awkwardness he gets up and carries his tray over, and places it on the stack of used trays. Alister walks out of the cafeteria, he can't believe that almost happened, he starts to walk to his next class. He can't stop thinking about how much of a disaster that could have been, he gets to his next class and he sits at his desk. Alister stared out the window, its lightly drizzling outside, he completely gets lost in his thought as he watches the raindrops roll down the window. He get's brought back out of his thought, when he hears his classmates giggling and the teacher calling his name. "Huh, what?" He said hoping he wouldn't get in trouble. "Can you answer question 5?" The teacher is looking at him unimpressed. Alister looks around, as if he would see the answer somewhere. "Uhh, 24?" He says, that was such a bad guess "mr. Widow! This isn't math class. Why would that be the answer? Can anyone else answer the question?" Alister hides his head in shame, as the teacher runs his eyes over the classroom, looking for someone to answer. A smart looking blond haired boy raised his hand, "yes mr. Crossle?" The teacher said, Alister was really praying this kid would also get the question wrong. "The great wall of China?" He said as a question but he seemed confident. "Thats correct, now i wan't you all to flip to page 147 of your history books" Alister did what the teacher asked but after a while his Voice was pretty much backround noise.

After School Alister was standing outside, waiting for his Mom to come pick him up, a tall guy with dirty blond hair and a few other guys behind him, comes up to him they look like your stereotypical popular jock group. "Hey! You were sitting at the table with OUR girlfriends at lunch" he said seeming pissed "oh, I'm sorry i didn't realize" i really didn't want a fight "you didn't realize, but you still did. Stay away from those girl's or you won't be able to walk for a week!" He really didn't want a fight, but of course his brain spat out a comeback "yeah i won't be able to walk for a week and neither will they for how hard i fucked them" oh god, why would he say that?! He doesn't even like dating, or screwing, he's Asexual. "Thats it." The guy throws a punch at his eye, Alistars vision goes black for a minute, as he falls to the ground, and feels a hard sneaker to his gut. Alister starts coughing he sees a thick red liquid hit the ground, blood....The Jock guy kicks him, again, and again, Alister can't get a breath in, he is so light headed, he feels like he's about to pass out.

Alisters vision os going black again, when he hears the sound of a car pulling up, the Jocks all go running off. Alister is too weak to stand he is shaking so hard, his whole body is in pain. He can't see anything but he hears someone running up to him, he hears his moms voice "oh my god! Are you okay?!" She helps him up and starts carrying him to the car, all alister can stutter out is "f-fight" Maria loads him in the passenger seat of the car, when everything goes black and silent.

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