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1st pov

Ah life, so full of history, mystery and much more. I stand here at the entrance of the monastery from where I have been raised and trained. Watching the younger students practice with the weaponry of their picking. 

3rd Pov

As the young monk watched the others train, he rubbed his hand through his hair, turning his attention towards the distance as clouds started to form and swirl slightly with the wind. A quarterstaff resting on his back before walking back into the monastery, walking alongside the weapon racks resting against the wall on the opposite side of the entrance.

Standing in front of a rack with quarterstaffs, one being empty before he took his staff off his back. Placing it back into the rack. Turning around before going through the entrance, passing by a full body mirror. Coming to a stop, looking at himself before fixing his hair.

1st pov

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1st pov

After giving my hair a good fix, I left the monastery. Adjusting my shirt as I walked down the mountain I called home, seeing as I have been here as far as I can remember. It was a peaceful night with a gentle breeze, the clouds starting to build up as a flash of white/purple leaped through the fluff of the clouds.

Once at the bottom of the mountain, I watched the local villagers packing for the upcoming rainfall. Mudslides were uncommon around here, but one would never know when one might happen during a rainfall.

One by one I would help out, placing bags and other essentials into carts connected to a mule or donkey. Asking them to make their way towards the monastery. My eye twitched lightly as something landed on it, I turned my head upwards and slowly rain started to make itself known to use mortals.

The gods have an odd way of showing how they care about the earth.

Y/N: "Heh, gotta love the rain"

I murmured to myself as I walked along with some of the locals. The rain slowly starting to increase in power and force, Once at the top I saw the other monks help them inside the building.

I would go back down to make sure everyone else would have been making their way up at a steady pace, their oil lamps shining the way for them. So far so good right? Hopefully the other folks within the city is having better luck in finding shelter.

Meanwhile in the city

3rd Pov

A 34 year old NEET would be sulking in the heavy rain, overhearing some students having a lovers argument. Before noticing a truck was charging towards the trio at a tremendous speed. Also, the driver of the truck was lying prone on the wheel. He was driving in a sleep-deprived state. And the three still hadn't noticed.

1st pov of our NEET

???: "D-d-d-Danger!!"

I tried to warn them by yelling, but I haven't used my vocal cords fully for over ten years, and the cold rain and the pain in my ribs caused them to shrink further; The teeny-weeny, trembling voice I eked out vanished in the rain.

I must save them. I have to. At the same time, I thought: why do I need to save them?

I had a gut feeling that if I didn't save them, I would regret it five seconds later. I would absolutely regret it if I saw those three people getting smashed into a bloody pulp by a truck.

Regret not saving them. Therefore, I had to save them.

In any case, I thought I would probably starve to death by the roadside soon after. At least for that moment, I hoped to have some satisfaction.

I didn't want to be left regretting at the very end.

My legs were not moving as I wanted, as I had not moved them much for the past ten years. It was the first time in my life that I wish I had exercised more. The broken ribs were pulsing with excruciating pain, hindering my every step. It was the first time in my life that I wished I had taken more calcium.

It hurt. It hurt so much that I couldn't run. But I still ran. Ran. I was running.

The arguing boy hugged the girl when he noticed the truck approaching in front of his eyes. The other boy had his back facing the truck and had not noticed, and was merely surprised by his companion's sudden action. I grabbed his collar without any hesitation and used all my strength to pull him back. The boy was pulled away and fell to the roadside, out of the truck's path.

3rd Pov

As this happened, we return towards Y/N helping the last group up towards the monastery, the rain pouring heavily, making visibility poor.

However it didn't last long as the ground started to shake, Y/N looked up and his eyes widened

Y/N pov

I felt the ground underneath me shake, oh no. Not now, I looked up and my eyes widened. A landslide was on its way towards us. I heard a scream of panic, looking over to see a kid had slipped and sprained his ankle.

I also heard one of the older monks yell out towards me to get out of the way. I refused to leave the kid, I felt my body move towards the kid. Grabbing a hold of the kids' shirt, I told the older monks to catch the kid as I used whatever strength I could muster and threw the kid.

I watched as the kid gets caught by the other monk, I gave a smile before I felt the earth itself slam against me. Taking my life as it rolled down the mountain side. At least someone didn't have to die today.

3rd Pov

The landslide has taken a life, much to the dismay of Y/Ns fellow monks, Y/N's body was now one with the mud that called itself a landslide. His soul now floating upwards towards the sky, following the "light". Saying a mental goodbye towards his fellow monks, unaware of what was to come.

A/N: That's the first rewrite for my jobless reincarnation story. Hope you all enjoyed this, as a lot is gonna change, yet somethings shall remain the same.

If there are any changes you'd like to see with this rewrite, let me know. Peace

Brother of Rudeus (Mushoku Tensei X male reader) Rewrite Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя