Chapter 3

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About 2 years has passed since I was reincarnated. My legs and waist were starting to become strong enough for me to walk on my feet. And I was beginning to learn this world's language. Seems the aura I have been feeling around me has been growing stronger as well. Almost as if I was being called by it. The colors they gave off were almost hypnotic, comforting in a way. Is that odd? I have also noticed Rudeus was still doing his own thing whenever he went to the study. Maybe reading the books again.

Having decided to live on seriously, I started to consider what I could do. What did I need in my new life? Studying, training, skill sets, maybe learning more about this new world. As a baby, there was little I could do. The most I could do was to rest my head onto someone's chest. And when I did that to the maid, she made an happy expression. But when it was my brother, her expression went sour. 

That maid definitely hated Rudeus, I can see why she would with that stupid perverted look on his face. Besides that, I began to realized that I could do almost anything here. Ranging from wanting to learn magic to training with pops. So I started searching for books in the house to learn words.  It's important to be literate.

There's a near 100% literacy rate amongst Japanese, but many had poor English skills, so they balked at the idea of going overseas, and even treated foreign languages as a mere skill set. Therefore, learning this world's words was my first assignment. I was one of few monks that was taught English. And that language was just as confusing as their words.

There were five books in this house. When me and Rudeus found them. Could it be that books in this world are expensive, or that Paul and Zenith don't read books? It was probably both these reasons. It was unbelievable to me, who owned thousands of books. Though they're all training lessons about the weapons and arts of craft.

There were only five books, but they were sufficient for me to learn to recognize words. This world's language was similar to Japanese, so it was easy for me to pick up. Even though the letters were completely different, learning how to speak went very smoothly. I'll be fine as long as I memorize enough vocabulary. It's beneficial to first understand how to speak.

Father read me the contents of the books many times , so learning the vocabulary went smoothly. Perhaps it had something to do with this body's ability to memorize well. After being able to read the language, I found this book's content very interesting.

In my past life, I always interested in learning from my sensei. Thinking back about it, it was exactly the same as memorizing the flow of martial movements, kind of like a dance. How can it not be interesting?

Nevertheless, did my father really think an infant would be able to understand the contents of that book? It was fine for me, but any normal one-year-old kid would have frowned and started bawling. Makes you wonder how many reincarnated folks remember their past life.  These were the five books at home. As far as I was able to see that is. 

.<<Traveling Around the World>>

This is a guidebook that contains the name and unique characteristics of various countries in this world.

<<Fedoa's Monsters, Ecology and Weaknesses>>

A book that described the monsters that appeared in the Fedoa region, and ways to handle them.

<<Guide to Magic>>

A guidebook that explained how to use magic attacks, from the elementary rank to the advanced rank.

<<Perugius' Legend>>

A fairy tale about a summoner named Perugius, who traveled along with his companions, battling the demon gods, saving the world, punishing evil, and rewarding the good.

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