Chapter 9. Responsibility.

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Oh, Roxanne!
You’ve done it now. You know too well being an Alpha, one of your prominent qualifications is responsibility, and here, the subject of your responsibility lies before you.
You stare blankly at the heavenly sculpture lying right next to you, his head resting upon your arm like it were a pillow, but all this while, the only thought you can think about is, “How could a man be this light?”
His weight couldn’t be a problem since he felt like a feather upon your arm. If you hadn’t opened your eyes, you wouldn’t have noticed he was upon you.
Your eyes trace to his neck, his skin, red and swollen with hickeys as you finally brand him, “mine,” you could feel your inner self yearning to possess more of him.
If only he weren’t the son of your arch-enemy, then perhaps things may be different.
“Hmm..” he slightly adjusts your body as his hand lands on your cheek, and you watch him giggle.
“What is he thinking about so early in the morning?” you wonder.
For someone who let you borrow his body, you weren’t expecting him to be able to sleep comfortably, especially since you maltreated him last night; your hazy memory didn’t look all that sweet.
A crooked smile traces on your face, “it’s not a bad idea to tease him a bit more,” your thought says.
Itching to see what kind of faces he could make, slowly, you raise yourself a little higher on the bed. One hand digs from under till it comes out, and the other throws across as you pull him in closer by the waist.
Upon his collarbone, your hot breath lands, tickling his skin. With your wet lips, you leave kisses tracing from his collarbone to his shoulders. The more your lips climb, the more you can see it.
His face changes styles. At first, his brows narrow, but then his eyes twitch, and his breathing pace changes with tiny moans emitting from his mouth.
He wiggles, his leg gradually swaying from left to right, obviously confused about where to take shelter when you arrest him by the shoulders, pulling him with one hand by the waist and another hand by the shoulder, Idah finds himself trapped as his torso presses slightly against your legs.
You bite your lower lip in frustration. You know you want to tease him more and continue from last night. You don’t feel delighted yet, but watching him in your arms with all these expressions to yourself ... perfect.
“How long will you pretend to be sleeping?” you ask, staring at Idah.
It takes a while, but suddenly, the bed starts to rustle as Idah turns towards you; tracing the sound of your voice, he raises his head almost as if he could tell that you were staring at him.
“Um… well…”
The words from his mouth choked on his throat, although he’s blind, but the more you stare, the more you could imagine how his eyes would dance from side to side while avoiding yours.
You chuckle.
“It’s okay. I don’t plan to stay quiet after taking advantage of you,” you explain as you rise from the bed. Idah reaches out to you but stops mid-air, pulling back as you leave.
The duvet drops from around your chest, exposing your round peach blossom, which you care less about as you reach to pack your hair in a bun.
“I’ll tell Susan to visit you; let her know everything you need. I’ll approve of your request on one condition,” you abruptly tell him, turning back to watch him look towards your direction expectantly, curious and yet nervous. You could tell because you’ve noticed how his fingers fondle whenever he’s anxious.
“wh… what is it?”
“You’ll have to do me the favour of visiting me once a month to help me during my uterus period,” you tell him, gently getting on the bed as you feel his soft, tender cheeks, your thump caressing his cheeks. You’re drawn towards him from one night alone, and the feeling is almost too strange to call ordinary.
As you watch his ears turn red like strawberry, you crave to rub your cheeks with his and meet his lips with yours…
“Alright, I’ll do it,” he answers, cutting your imagination short.
You stop, coming to your senses with a dreaded sigh, your head resting on his shoulder, “but is it okay if I visit you on normal days?” he asks.
Quickly, you spring up from his shoulder, a grin on your face. Unfortunately, he can’t see it, but fortunately, you could hide your emotions so obviously.
“I’ll think about it. Susan will fill you in on my schedule, and we’ll work on some visiting days,” you say, wearing a poker face.
He beams brightly as he reaches for you again; fortunately, you catch it.
Seizing him by the hand, you have him wrap his arms around your waist as he stays in between your legs. You cup his cheek with one hand, forcing him to raise his head so that you could stare the more.
“Don’t fail me when I call for you,” you sternly warn him, knowing full well that your words were just an excuse so you could stare more. The naive man nodding his head quickly with a touch of fear in his eyes makes you chuckle in amusement secretly; he’s cute, breathtakingly cute, which you can’t deny,
You can’t forgive yourself for lying with your enemy, but at the same time, you can’t help but yearn for more.
Nothing could explain this pull you have towards him, “could it be because of what happened last night?” you wonder, and yet, you couldn’t come to terms with that agreement with that conclusion.
You wonder as you stare at him, “Why is that?”
“Haiz, I shouldn’t think too deeply about it. It’s probably because I went into heat,” you mutter.

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