Cherish Arising

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The moment Mikey saw Miha, he came and sat behind her.
Miha asked "why did you came and sat here there are more places to sit"
Miha in her mind was thinking that probably she is going to get a blunt answer from Mikey.
But to her awe Mikey said "from today I'm going to sit behind you, do you want to eat something if yes then let me know I'll get you that"
Miha was still in shock, she replied "no thanks"

They all enjoyed the event and had fun, but Miha was so confused as she met a very nice side of Mikey.
That day they had zero conflict between them and Mikey was so pleasent to her. But this treatment was only for her not for others. It was confusing, shocking and though stunning for everyone to digest.

The day passed like this.......

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