(Very short) Chapter 2- Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say

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Elliot stood there in the kitchen for 10 minutes before going up to his room.

"Elliot?" Kate asked.

"Go away Kate," Elliot muttered. "I'm sorry Elliot, it just slipped out," Kate told him.

"I said to go away!" Elliot yelled as he picked up a glass from next to his bed and threw it at the door frame.

Elliot turned around to see Kate's hair covered in blood. "Kate, I-" Elliot started. "No, Elliot, no," Kate cried as she broke down in tears from the pain. "I never ever want to see you again!" Kate screamed at Elliot as she ran down the stairs to tell Diana and David. 

The Runaway Of Elliot WhittleburgWhere stories live. Discover now