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this is so overwhelming, you're so overwhelming.
in a good way, in the way that i can't help but become high on life.
you make me feel alive,
so alive.
it feels so good, but it hurts so much.
something that i can't get away from and wouldn't want to leave.
i can't help but long for your love, your warmth, and that gentle stare you get when you care.
but i can't tell you, no i can't.
not when im risking losing you.
take my heart, my mind, my body, and my soul, take all of it.
but i need to know, do you miss sleep too?
it's 2am and im laying here thinking about you, why can't i just fall asleep?
you've got my brain all messed up with the thought of us.
why's it so hard to believe that i could be enough for you?
why's it so hard for me to trust you have good intentions?
speak your truth, they say.
but what if it's too hard to form the words, and what if i don't carry the courage to speak them?
what then, do i suffer in silence?
can i be heard, or will my words go out softly through the door?
the door that i just wish could lead to more.
what are you crying for?
im still here, waiting for you to play the strings of my heart.
play me, let me be your favorite song.
listen to me, hear my words, hear the tune that i sing for you.
do you hear it?
let me know if you fear it.
i'm so tired of no communication, i've been getting it from spirit.
drift back to me, i'll be here, swimming in daydreams.
drift here, daydream about me, please?

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