Can't Let You Walk Away

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Chapter 15: Can't Let You Walk Away

---Hope POV---

I cannot believe I let him talk me into coming to this.

I mean sure, it’s the Late Late Show, but the amount of chaos behind the set is incredible and I only got a glimpse of it.

Right now I’m sitting the boys’ dressing room watching while they get their makeup done. I snicker quietly to myself thinking about Harry wearing makeup. Unfortunately, I obviously didn’t snicker quietly enough. Apparently it was loud enough to draw the attention of the whole room. Now, by no means was this room quiet. In fact the guys had been shouting to one another. Now though, they were looking suspiciously at me while their makeup artist went about their business.

“What?” Harry asks me with a frown. His eyebrows furrow with his thoughts, creating an adorable crinkle between his brows. I stand up silently and walk over to him. His artist moves out of the way to go get “Some stuff” as she so eloquently put it.

I gracefully plop myself down in Harry’s lap, wrapping my hands around his neck as his wind around my waist, holding me close to his body. I move a hand to stroke the crease of his frown. Smoothing out the dented lines.

“Don’t frown Curls.” I whisper in his ear. I feel him shiver but otherwise stay silent as I continue. “It makes it so hard to concentrate when I look into those eyes.” I say, pulling back slowly to prove my point, staring deep into his eyes. Before he can react further I lean forwards and only brush my lips against his.

A feather light touch.

He groans.

“Damnit Hope!” He growls lowly and I vaguely hear snickering coming for around the room but it barely registers that we’re not alone. He grabs my face in his hands - I let my eyes close at the contact, relishing the tingles that are dancing down my skin, all the way to my toes - and brings his lips firmly to his and I smirk again as his tongue runs over my bottom lip. I lean forward into the kiss and bite his lip lightly, eliciting a delicious groan from him. I pull back again, breathing heavily and staring into his eyes.

“Still want to know why I was snickering?” I ask breathlessly, my breath fanning across his face as his exhilarated puffs brush my cheek. I shiver. Harry only nods in response. We’re still close enough that as he moves his head, his lips brush against my cheek and jaw. “You’re wearing makeup like a girl.” I say flirtatiously kissing his ear before jumping off his lap quickly and darting away, laughing evilly.

As I take my seat on the coach again, I tune back in to the loud guffaws of the boys and the occasional hoot of ‘Damn!’ or ‘Man Hope, you got him good!’ I also hear the tortured groan of Harry as he shifts in his seat. My smirk grows wider.

“Thankyou very much.” I drawl in my Elvis impersonation, standing again to throw a curtsy to the boys. My eyes are constantly trained on Harry though and I can’t help but let my eyes flicker to his lips that are set into a pout. I internally groan, turning away from him to scoop up a new magazine.

“So, explain to me again why I am here?” I ask casually. I hear shuffling and then a warm presence at my side and an arm being wrapped around my waist, bringing me ever closer.

“You came to spend time with me.” Harry says cockily and I grin lazily at him.

“Mmm, that’s what you think. I really came so that I could perv on Niall. Yummy.” I say with a wink and Harry scowls, practically crushing me to his chest. I struggle out of his grip, giggling with glee. “Relax babe, no one’s as sexy as you.” I soothe gently, running my fingers through his hair. I just love the feeling.

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