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Kim Cheol was having a crisis. He couldn't get Mi-ae out of his head, she just lived there rent free at this point. Why? Why is he always thinking of her?

This is so weird.

He especially kept thinking about her cheeks. He wouldn't usually think of someone, let alone someone's cheeks. But when it comes to Mi-ae… he just wants to pinch them…? But, why?

Why specifically Mi-ae's? Is it because she's been close to him these past days? Is it because she's cute?


Cute?! No way. Hwang Mi-ae is one of the most feral people Cheol has ever had the displeasure to meet. What's "cute" about that?!

Kim Cheol was losing his mind.

"Cheol!—ah, no— Kim Cheol!" He heard the high pitched voice of his neighbor. He glanced back at her, analyzing her… everything, basically.

Her short green-ish black hair, it looked like it was brushed but there were still a bit of loose strands. Her expression was a mix of tiredness and happiness, her smile was wide, maybe she had a good dream. Her eyes were somehow sparkling, maybe it's the sun, and maybe Cheol was crazy, but her eyes are so pure and beautiful. And her cheeks…—

"Kim Cheol! Kim Cheol—!" The mentioned girl tapped his shoulder, making her tip-toe.

Cheol just looked at her. Wondering what had happened to him. Why did he keep on thinking about her cheeks? Is he obsessed with them or something? Is he obsessed with Hwang Mi-ae's cheeks… ?

Agh! What is happening to me…

Cheol decided to let that thought aside for now. He needed to focus on his studies, unfortunately Mi-ae wouldn't leave his mind. But it's okay, he can manage that.

It was time to leave for the Academy, he made sure to leave early so he doesn't run into the petite girl. He admits that it was unnecessary to do so, despite that, he is willing to pack his things right now and leave.

Arriving at the Academy, some people were already there. Jeon Sora, Jo han, and Park Jung-wook.

Maybe I can ask Jung-wook for help.

"Hey." Cheol greets his old school mate, sitting down. "Good evening Cheol," Jung-wook smiles. "It's unlikely for you to arrive this early, did something happen?" Jung-wook asked.

"Don't be ridiculous. Nothing happened, I just wanted to… review beforehand." Cheol denied, but he knows Jung-wook isn't one to buy dumb excuses like that.

"Is it about Hwang Mi-ae?"

Hwang Mi-ae…

"Me?" Cheol flinched hearing that high pitched voice of her. When did she arrive?!  "Good evening Mi-ae." Jung-wook greeted the girl.

"Evening Jung-wook!" She smiled. She smiled? Why doesn't she smile like that when she's with me…

Cheol stayed silent, not wanting to interfere in their conversation. He had more things to solve anyway.

Why… Why can't I stop thinking about her and her cheeks… ?!

Kim Cheol has had enough. He wants to pinch Hwang Mi-ae's cheeks. And, he will.

Has he lost his mind? Perhaps. Is he embarrassed? Of course.

Does he care? At this point, no.

"Hwang Mi-ae." He called out to her, the Academy classes had ended a few minutes ago and mostly everyone was packing their things to leave. Some wanted to do homework in the Academy so they decided to stay, to Cheol's dismay.

"Yes?" Mi-ae curiously looked up from her bag. Was this it? Was Kim Cheol, the Lucifer, gonna pinch Hwang Mi-ae's cheeks?

"Humph—! Khim Chehol—!!" (Kim Cheol) The poor petite girl screamed.

Why is her face so small?

Kim Cheol's hands cupped both of Hwang Mi-ae's cheeks. Having his thumb run circles on them.

Her cheeks are soft and rosy.

While Cheol was squishing her cheeks, a confused Mi-ae was squirming in his touch. Why did he suddenly pinch her cheeks like that?! In the Academy, which is full of people no less!!

"Chehol-ah!!" (Cheol-ah) Mi-ae squirmed even more. That was what made Cheol stop rubbing her cheeks. Kim Cheol was indeed embarrassed for his actions, but he didn't regret it one bit.

"My cheeks hurt! Are they red?" Mi-ae softly ran circles on her cheeks with her hands. Cheol simply nodded, not bothered that the poor girl is in pain because of him.

"Have dinner at my house." He suddenly suggested, well— more like commanded. Mi-ae was beyond confused. Is this really Kim Cheol? Is this really the Lucifer she knew? Nonetheless, she agreed.

"Why did you pinch my cheeks anyway?" Mi-ae asked Cheol while she was munching on her food. "Eat with your mouth closed," Cheol muttered.

"Hey! Don't change the topic!!" Mi-ae shouted.

Cheol stayed quiet for a moment. He knew well what the answer was, but there is no way he would ever admit that to anyone. He doesn't need to be even more embarrassed in front of Hwang Mi-ae. The events from today were enough to make his cheeks flare up, he doesn't need his whole face to be as red as a tomato.

"You looked cute."


Silence. Silence was what followed for the rest of Mi-ae's visit.

I blurted it out… !

Kim Cheol can never face Hwang Mi-ae ever again.

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