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Clara looked at the sun set. Then Rebecca was contacting her, "Are those Formula 1 drivers with you?" Clara asked as she stared. "We are indeed." George said. "So I've got that intel you requested on Salem Winchester, turns out not only she into witchcraft, she was also used to be researcher for umbrella."  Rebecca explained.

"Are you kidding me?!? I should've left her in the bag." Clara said as she threw her hands up. "When I return, I owe you drivers a story." Clara added. Rebecca shook her head, "I'm sending you the details." Rebecca said. "Yeah, I'll take a look, Charles is my priority not some witch that was in a sack bag." Clara said. "Clara.. thank you." Max told her. "Your welcome." Clara said. "I'll check in later." Rebecca stated. "Keep her sane." Clara urged the  drivers before disconnecting.


Clara headed outside until she heard whimpering, the whimpering reveal a wolf stuck in a bear trap. "Oh.. you two, huh?" Clara questioned as approached the bear trap. She freed the wolf, The wolf limped away, but looked back at Clara before taking off. 

"Take care of yourself, buddy." Clara said. Clara then looked at the key she had found earlier then spotted the gate, she approached it, inserting the key, unlocking. "What next." Clara commented as she opened the gate.

She kept walking until she came across another gate which lead the the village. She spotted the church from distance. She hummed. "Please be in there Charles." Clara said, being hopeful but worried.

Then one of the buildings in the village collapsed. " What the..." Clara said as she was caught off guard.  She realized the path was blocked. "Damn..." she mumbled until she saw underground path. "... I wonder." Clara pondered.


She made up on the other side, kept walking down a path until she came across a door, a door that had a similar lock from the gate from earlier. When she opened the door, shock hit her. "Did I miss out on the latest cult meeting?" She questioned as she looked over at the papers and books that were scattered among the tables.

Then she headed outside, "Let's get to that church." Clara mumbled as she walked down another path. As she was walking down the path, she shook her head. "This village hasn't been right for a long time." Clara said, It was sad to think about it, because they probably fought until they couldn't anymore.

Clara looked ahead and she sighed in relief. "The Church..."  Clara said, She saw couple of the villagers guarding the area, so she quickly took them down. "Charles... This nightmare will be over soon." Clara said as she approached the entrance. She pushed opened the gate, she saw another gate. "(Shit!)" She spatted. She tried to opened the gate until she saw it needed something. "Well... nothing comes easy." Clara spatted.

"Rebecca, the church is sealed up." Clara said to Rebecca. "That means  Mr. Ferrari is there." Rebecca said. "Charles.... no signs of him yet? but they sure do have this place locked up tight." Clara said. "I see. I can think of one reason they'd want to do so..." Rebecca said. "Hang on Charles... I'll find a way in, Condor one... out." Clara said as she disconnected the call.

There was door open open in one of the buildings near by , Clara spotted something on the table. It was a photo of Charles, but the photo is recent. Then something on the way, it was about the where about on the key, The lake.. it mention her, they know she here for Charles.

"The lake is still in part of this... let's hope for no more surprises but no guarantee." Clara mumbled. "He's here... just kept away."  Clara said. As she stepped outside again, she looked back at the church. "I'll be back...I'll be back." She mumbled, then followed a path.

Then came across a sign, 'Lago' . "Lago.... the Lake."  Clara said as she then crossed the bridge.


It nighttime, the sun was still out, barely. Clara spotted the lake, She took a breathe. "The faster I get this key, I can get to Charles in no time." Clara mumbled to herself. Clara quickly examine the area, from a distance she saw two of the villagers on a boat, dumping a body. They quickly sped away, then not evening a few seconds later a monster came up out of the waters, consuming it. "What... That can't be real... right?" Clara asked. She stepped away, "Well... let's do this." Clara said.

She looked around and then ahead at the dock. spot a boat. "Here goes..." Clara said. She hopped into the boat, sped out away from the dock, she kept her guard up. Then motor at stopped the boat.

"Oh come on..." She said as she quickly turned around to turn the motor back on. Then something hit the boat, she froze. She looked around and there wasn't any signs of anything or so she had thought. 

She saw the water ripples... "No..." She said as her eyes widen then monster flew up in the air. "WHAT THE!" She exclaimed the monster had got itself tangle in the some rope which start dragging the boat. she grabbed the harpoons that were inside the boat. "Alright... you are asking for it!" She exclaimed.


She threw the last one and the creature went under water. "Where did it go?" She questioned. That was went it shot up in the air then went back under, then lake filled with blood. She sighed in relief.

She dropped to her knees, then cough onto the side of the boat, when she looked in her hand, she saw that there was blood on her hand. "What?" She questioned before everything blacked out.


"Three hours... this isn't like her." Rebecca questioned. "What's wrong?" Pierre questioned. "It's been three hours since Clara checked in, it isn't like her." Rebecca responded. He sighed. "Clara is in a dangerous village, risking her life to save my friend, she'll check in, she's fine." Pierre assured her.

"Well if it will make you and the drivers, even his family feel better. Clara has location on Charles, she just has to locate the key, which she said she had good idea where that might be." Rebecca said. "Someone tell her boss, she better get a promotion, the current cowards didn't even bother but Clara was the only one who brave enough to go, we will forever grateful for this." Pierre said. "Yeah... I've been telling Tony that." Rebecca said. "Tony should listen..." Pierre said walking out.


Mindy stared at the photo of her daughter. "You must be Clara's mum." Mindy looked up to see younger Leclerc. "I am, you must be Charles's younger brother." Mindy said, He nodded. "We really appreciate Clara so much, she doing something that others were afraid to do, I still don't get why anyone would take him?" Arthur questioned.

Mindy sighed. "We live in such a cruel world, I know Clara will get answers on that as well." Mindy replied. "Have you been getting updates on her, I know my brother was taken." Arthur said. "Oh of course, I have Rebecca give me updates on the both of them, I know they'll be home... safe. My daughter is the toughest person I know, I know your older brother is as well." Mindy said, being hopeful.

ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴇɴᴅ | Charles LeclercHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin