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She looked at her file that her boss had given her, she sighed. "From what it looks, he's very loved." She mumbled as she looked at the photos of him with his family, his teammate and the other drivers on the F1 grid. Then she sighed as she closed the file then looked out the window as the car drove across the country side of Spain. She didn't want to lie, it was very beautiful through there, but what dangers would she face ahead. Dangers that others didn't want to face but she was brave enough to face.

She heard that his family and Formula 1 was grateful that she would be the one bringing Charles back.

When she told her best friend, who would be guiding her on this mission. She wasn't surprised that she took on this mission because Clara, was always the bravest agent she knows.

"What is woman like yourself doing here in a rural place in Spain?" The driver who name Cliff asked her. She looked up with a serious look at the driver through the rear mirror. "A woman never tells her state of business... aren't you all suppose to know this information?" Clara questioned. "Oh... we know but can a woman like you handle your own?" The one in the passenger seat asked. Which made Clara bitterly chuckled. "If I couldn't... I wouldn't be sitting in this back seat now would I?" Clara questioned as she rose a brow. "I suppose you wouldn't." He responded. "Exactly..." Clara said as she leaned back and looked back out the window.


After driving through the woods for two and half hours, the car came to a stop. Clara hummed, "What's happening?" Clara asked. "Restroom break..." Cliff said as he hopped out of the car. Scott tried to hand her a cigarette, she waved him off. "cáncer en un palo I'll pass." Clara said as examined outside surrounding. "You can speak Spanish?" Scott asked in surprised tone. "When you moved around a lot and lived in places like Mexico, Monaco... well anywhere, it's wise to learn languages everywhere you go." Clara commented. "Smart." Scott said as he lit his cigarette.

Thirty minutes have went by, things were getting concerning. "It doesn't take thirty minutes to take a piss." Clara said. "Unless he fell in somewhere... maybe one of us should investigate."  Scott said. "Correction, Clara should go investigate, don't get stuck up on a pole while I'm gone." Clara commented as she grabbed her travel bag and hopped out of the car. "Thanks for the help asshole." She mumbled.

She hummed as she looked at the dark path ahead. "Alright Charles, time to find you and bring you home." Clara mumbled as she went down the same path that Cliff went down. She looked at her gun that was attached to her hip. "You got this Clara or Tony wouldn't have faith in you doing this." Clara said.

She walked down the dark path, "How far did he go?" Clara mumbled. Clara kept on walking until she came across a wooden house. Clara looked puzzled, "You mean someone lives in this hell forsaken place." Clara said as she came up to the door, she slowly opened the door.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Clara called out as she stepped inside. Clara looked around then she stepped inside one of the rooms. She sighed. Then she saw a wooden stick. "What in witch craft?" Clara said as she examined the item. She took a breath. "Alright, not creepy at all." Clara said as she shook her head. 

She came across a door that was locked, she needed to find the key. She then walked down the hall reach a door she opened there was a fireplace, she looked around until a man appeared out of nowhere, startling her. "Finally, some form of life." She mumbled. 

The man was mumbled. "I apologize for barging in like this." Clara started. "(I'm looking police officer, did he happen to stumble himself here?)" Clara spoke to the man in Spanish. The man continued to mumble nonsense, which put Clara unease. She looked around until she saw something on the floor. She picked up, it was Cliff's id and it was covered in blood. "This isn't good..." Clara said, she quickly pulled out her knife and turned around to see the man was about to swing an axe at her, she kept the axe from getting closer to her then she kicked the man away which caused the man to hit the wall and snap his neck. 

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