part 2 of whatever this is

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The phone rang. John Lyon inched slowly towards what he felt like was his incoming doom. Just as he was about to reach for the phone, it stopped ringing. He breathed a sigh of relief and started to turn away. As soon as he took a single step away, the phone started blaring out Sunny by Boney M. John Lyon, never having set that as his phone ringtone was understandably very confused, but nonetheless picked up his smartphone and accepted the call with shaky hands.

“Hello, this is John Lyon, CEO of Ando Insurance, who is this?”

“Listen here mate, if you don’t sort your shit out, we’re gonna have a problem.”

“Excuse me, I don’t quite know what you’re referring to-.”

“Don’t play dumb with me” Senna practically snarled out. “Pay the fucking insurance for the submarine and fix that J. Swifts heart now. I don’t care how you do it or how far you have to go to make sure its done, just do it. My brother is crying his eyes out for some random stranger on the internet due to the problems your company has solved.” Senna lowered her voice to a menacing whisper. “If you don’t sort this out sooner than later, I will come for you.”

With that, Senna ended the call and leaned back against the seat, sighing loudly. She had puled up on the side of the motorway to call this CEO guy and was tired (it was way too warm in the car). However just as she was falling into the void of sleep-

“Y ‘know, what you said can really be interpreted in the worst ways possible”. 

“What the fuck is wrong with you!” Senna swore and turned around. There in the backseat was a girl with her legs crossed smirking at her. She had wireless headphones around her neck and was dressed in a black hoodie with some weird headband on that almost looked like real fox ears. Except when Senna looked closer, she realised they weren’t fake.

“Okay motherfucker, rule 1, don’t fucking teleport into my car without advanced warning, rule 2 why the fuck are you in my car- “

“That’s not a rule that’s a question- “

“I really couldn’t give a fuck about that just answer the question! Also are those real fox ears??”

“Okay okay look I’ll explain alright” the girl placed her hands in front as a placating gesture which caused Senna to deflate slightly.

“Oh, I can’t wait to hear this one this time”. Senna grumbled but tilted her head in the girls direction, waiting for one of her elaborate stories to start.

“So basically, I was in this shop looking for manga, and this girl comes up to me and says Hey you look like Ahri, and I say I am Ahri, and she says You’re Ahri from KDA? and me being well amazing I have no idea what KDA is so I just say yeah, and she’s like I thought they were fictional characters from a video game and I’m like they are?? And then I look online, and I see me, Akali, Evelynn and Kai’sa in some pop group. You’re with some group called true damage by the way. And I’m really confused at this point but suddenly I get a call from Kai’sa where apparently, she’s taking fire from a private army and wanted reinforcements. So I was about to go there and help her but then I saw some candy floss and-“

“You what??!?”

“What’s wrong?” Ahri asked innocently.

Senna tried to control her breathing and she quickly responded, gritting her teeth.

“Did, you” she emulated every word carefully, “leave Kai’sa WITHOUT reinforcements to fight off this army BY HERSELF??”

“Oh……. fuck”

“But if you think about it Senna, Kai’sa’ s an Immortal, she’ll technically be fine right?”

Senna took a deep breath. “Did she mention who the private army is and why she’s fighting them?”

“Yeah, they’re VALORANT, sounds like some nerf gun model honestly, I’m sure she’ll be fine”.

Ahri watched Senna bang her head into the car seat frame for a few solid minutes.

“Evelynn is going to kill us. We’re actually so fucked”.

Senna stared at Ahri with a deadpan expression.

“VALORANT is a secretive organisation that recruits Radiants to combat rogue Radiants. The fact that VALORANT is here clearly suggests we are in te wrong world. Again”.

Ahri wilted under Senna’s death stare, but then brightened up considerably.

“So, you’re saying all we need to do is fight through a nest of well-trained combat driven Radiants and soldiers, rescue Kai’sa, find the rest of us and somehow skip to our own world? How hard can that be?” she exclaimed happily. “Maybe we can stop for donuts on the way!”

Senna put her face in her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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