"do you like me?"

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Giyuu's POV:
I walk in the school with my best friend sabito. I see sanemi and smile at him. He looks at me and scoffs. I kept walking with Sabito until we reached our hook room.

Sanemi's pov: I stood at the door waiting to see my crush. Giyuu. I see him walking in and I smiled at bit. But then I saw sabito walking with me. I saw giyuu smile at me. He look so pretty doing so.

But I was too jealous when I saw him walking with Sabito that I scoffed and walked away. I was mad at myself for doing so but what's done is done.

I luckily had the same home room as him so I walk in. I see him sitting and talking to sabito...

Giyuu's POV:
I was talking to sabito until I see Sanemi walk in. I was excited but didn't say anything. "You like him or something?" Sabito whispered in my ear. I quickly flich and then reply to him "no! I don't!" That was a lie since I've had the biggest crush on him

Sabito laughes it off and we countuie talking. I had a feeling that we were being watch so turned around. There I saw Sanemi looking at us. He look.. Jealous?

I look but at Sabito and then whisper something to him.

Sanemi's POV:
I see giyuu whisper in sabito's ear. I finally lose it. I got up and went over to them. I think grab giyuu and dragged him put of the classroom.

I saw some people looking at us but I didn't care. I kept walking until we reached an empty classroom. I push him inside and close the door.

"Why the hell are you whispering in Sabito's ear?!" I yell.

Giyuu's POV:
I looked at him with a confused look.
"I was just telling him something! And why would you care? Are u jealous?" I laugh and then get up off the floor.

I saw Sanemi turn red. "No! Im not jealous! Why'd I be jealous of u!"
I laughed when he said that. "Then why are you mad?"

He blushes more "just shut up!" He walks towards him and then leans in. He then kissed me on my lips.

I looked shocked but I didn't push him away since it felt good...

Sanemi' POV:
I kept kissing until I broke the kiss. We both were panting. I saw him turn red and then he asked me a question. "Do you like me?" I blush not know how to reply.

I finally reply. "Y-yeah..." I blush harder then before. He also blushes. I then saw him get closer and closer to me. "Why are you getting close-" before I could finish he sat in my lap and then started to kiss me.

I blushed and kissed him back. I slowly started to put my tough in his mouth. He tasted so sweet that I wanted more. We kept making our for what seemed like 4 minutes and the broke it.

We both panted a lot. I put my arms around his waist. "I really love you Giyuu." I say to him looking a bit in embarrassed. He smiled at me. "I love you too Sanemi" he said. I smiled and then kissed him again.

We started to make out again. I started to kiss his neck. He moaned softly. He's moans were music to my ears.

Giyuu's POV:
Sanemi kept kiss my neck and leaving hickeys. I moaned when he was doing it. "Sanemi~ Ah!~" I moaned loudly. He kept kissing me and then stopped when he got to the lower part of my belly.

I blushed. He looked at me waiting for me to give him consent. I nodded to show I said yes. He then started to talk off my pants.

"I see ur already hard for me? He smirked and then kissed my thighs. " mmh~ you taste so good Giyuu~"
Sanemi said. I couldn't help but just moan. He kissed more higher and higher until he reached my member.

Sanemi's POV:
I reached his member. I took off his boxers to see his d!ck. I started to play with it and started to rub it. "You're so hard Giyuu~"

Giyuu couldn't reply but his moans were enough for me. I started to run his member harder and harder. "Don't try to cum?" I tell him as I start to take off my pants. "P-plea- Ah~" he tired to beg but that got him no where.

He then cummed. "I told you not to didn't i?" I asked him smirking. He looked at him blushing. "I-im sorry~"
He said. I smirked more. "I'm gonna have to punish you now." I said as I started to take out my d!ck out my boxers.

I then lined up with his a$$hole and push it all the way in.

Giyuu's POV:
I moaned louder then ever when he pushed it all the way. "SANEMI!~" I moaned out his name. He kept smirking and then started to thrust inside of my a$$hole. "Mmh~" he whispered in my ear. "You're so fucking tight giyuu~"

I moaned more and more. I was scared we were gonna get caught. But I was too caught out in the moment. I warped my arms around Sanemi's neck and whispered in his ear.

"P-please go harder!~" I say. He then started to thrust in and out of me harder and harder. I moaned to the point I felt like I was gonna pass out.

"Giyuu~ I'm gonna cum~" sanemi whispered in my ear. I moaned in respond since I was also close to Cumming. After a few minutes we both cummed.

I felt so tired that I let go and fell on the floor. Sanemi then asked. "Did I go too hard?" I looked at him and nodded.

Sanemi's POV:
I laughed and then helped him up. "Sorry! I'll help you get clean. We should probably hurry and clean this mess"

We quickly got clean and dressed. We also cleaned the mess we made "Does this make us a couple now?" I asked while helping him walk out. "Y-yeah" he blushed.

I giggled and then we finally made it back.

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