Chapter 2 - Take me away

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Duffs pov*
I looked up from my bass, we have learnt the song and still had around two hours to practice.
Axl collapsed onto a chair besides Slash lighting a ciggerateand intaking the smoke before speaking
"So what do we do now?" With a sigh.
Slash begun to speak "Theres a pub across the road." He shrugged slightly glazing towards us.
Approved by Izzy and then us, we decided to head out

-its not that bad!" I said gently pushing at Stevens shoulder with a wide smile, time felt slower then ever as he smiled back his blonde hair flowing through the wind, and back to reality I looked down at my feet still hearing his giggles. Steven sat next to me Izzy to my other side whilst Slash is sat next to Axl.
Steven pressed his head to my shoulder relaxing against me,
"5 beers!-
"Please." Slash finished, Axl turned to him with a cocky smirk tilting his head forward, slash imitating his actions dramatically threw his head forward too. Steven now completely asleep in my arms warming me. But why was he so fine. I was wearing tight leather pants to make matters 'better'. Not to mention the show, which I didnt want to attend to with a boner.
"There you go!" The waiter smiled placing the beers from her metallic platter to the clothed table.
"Steven?" I said gently nudging him awake, nothing.
"Trying to wake your boyfriend up?" Axl said with a attitude and pout.
"Shut the fuck up firecrotch!" I barked waking Steven up his lips pouting in a frown,
"Im sorry." I stuttered.
"Seems kinda gay." Izzy laughed hoofing out smoke.
"Huh-" Steven looked up at me with puppy eyes,
"Nothing" I grabbed my beer
"The guys are just being assholes." I muttered under my breathe.
Axl looked at me eyes and mouth wide producing a 'huahmph' sound whilst grabbing at his chest like he had been shot, I rolled my eyes in a joking manner before returning to my beer, Steven still slumped in my arms also drinking his beer.
"Guys we have 45 minutes, should we go back?" Izzy asked.
"Yeah, we can watch the other bands?" Slash suggested.
I sat up waking Steven up.

"There you go love!" Axl purred passing the lovely brunette Women a tip along with the bill.
"Awhh, Axl you learnt manners?" I teased, I could tell he was at his boil point.
My throat dry, I find myself parched.
"I'll be back." I say and smile before rushing down the corridor leading to the dim sky I look around for a prey. A girl, she has long blonde hair and bright green eyes. I walked up to her smiling whilst extending a arm.
"Hey." She smiled and exchanged a dirty look.
"Whats your name?" I asked tilting my head.
"Sophia." Looking down at her feet.
"You want to know something?" I ask lowering myself to her height.
"Go on." She says suspiciously.
I grab her face to look at me as I bare my fangs sinking into her neck and feasting on her blood leach-like. I cover her mouth to avoid her peircing screamings, still she wiggled to attempt to break free, I drop her to the ground, her pulse slow.

- I sat at the table apologising for my absence.
"Its fine!" Steven says cheerfully. "We're next." Anxiety filled me to the brim, I let out a anxious laugh whilst sipping the coke from my glass.
"Guns nd' roses!-" The teacher announced looking towards us, Axl sat up confidently walking upstage to the microphone whilst we got ready with tuning, I looked up at Steven he looked up at me, I looked away quickly my eyes darting towards my bass whilst I bit my lip, why was he so irresistible, the way I want to rip his clothes of and pleasure him was insane.
"Gayboy!-" A shorter guy shouted directed towards me, I clenched my jaw waiting for this to be over.
what felt like forever though was only minutes the preformamce was done and axl thanked the crowd as if they gave any fucks whether we did it or not anyways.
We went outside, there was a shop around the corner so we got some JD before coming back and relaxing, we had all decided to stay at my house tonight it was a friday so it didn't really matter, two lads came out, Steven seemed to recognise them getting closer to me.
"Are you alright?" I ask looking down at him and back up to them. They're approaching us. I remember one to be the guy who had called me gay earlier, the other I had seen around.
"Look at Steven with his boyfriend!" I heard one say whilst snickering.
"And what?" I said. I stand up towering over him.
"And your a fag." He says with a deep tone to his speach.
"Fucks your problem?" I ask.
"Nothing, your deciding to defend your boyfriend."
"Because hes done nothing!" I say clenching my jaw tight.
"Why so aggressive? Do you want to fight." He smirked cockily.
"Maybe I do."
-Duff." I hear Steven call me.
"Go on, stop being a pussy."
I throw my fist into his crooked nose smashing into his face making blood spill, he falls back catching himself and throwing himself onto me attempting to punch me as I grab ahold of his shirt punching him whilst he broke free finding a glass and smashing it into my hand glass stuck into my hand, I punch him once more and he falls to the ground. It hits me, what I've done the guys grab onto me whilst the crowd is staring at me and the blood around my hands and on the concrete floor. I walk in tears flooding my face and washing my guilt.
"Duff." I head a worried voice say.
I cry into my hands whilst trying to reply
"Yes?" My voice is shaky.
The guy removes my hands carefully to not make the glass further into my palms.
Its steven, I sob even more wrapping my arms around his waist and making his shirt wet.
"Lets clean you up." He says taking my hand and carefully removing the glass before taking a wipe to clean out the wounds, wrapping it in bandages.
"Thankyou." I say looking into his deep blue eyes.
"Me and the guys were thinking we should, accompany you?" He says.
"If thats fine, we dont want you to be alone."
"Thats fine." I say forcing a smile, Izzy pops his head around greeting me and throwing his ciggerate to the ground stomping it.

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