Chapter 2 || The First Not A Date!

Start from the beginning

"No, I'll be alright, you've waited long enough anyways," I told her, and she hesitantly agreed to go without drying my hair.

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Whilst walking towards our destination, I happened to notice that many people's attention shot straight towards us whenever they caught a small sight of us. Of course, it made me uncomfortable, that goes without saying, but it's not like I hadn't had eyes in me 24/7 a year back.

"Should we get something to eat first? I evidently haven't had breakfast seeing as you've seen me since I woke up." I asked, glancing at the Pallet Café which we had stopped by.

"Sure." She replied, grabbing my hand abruptly and leading me to the café. I could mention that I didn't need her to drag me but I let her enjoy the moment of being in contact with me.

We sat down at a vacant table, which to our surprise, there actually was one seeing as it was a Saturday and this is where people liked to spend time with their friends. I noticed a few people from our class sitting in here and their eyes widened when watching us walk in.

I opened the menu and looked through it, of course, I wanted a coffee, however, I didn't want to get the usual black max coffee I get since I had the opportunity to choose from a vast selection, so after briefly looking I decided to go with a Caramel Frappuccino.

"That's my favourite drink here." She mentioned, glancing at what I was looking at and then ordering one, whilst I ordered a pain au chocolat and she a cinnamon roll.

"Is it?" I asked, "I've never tried it." I said.

"You haven't tried a lot of things have you, Ayanokoji?" She began, "When we briefly met for the third time in the convenience store, I recall you asking if the price was correct if a cup of noodles was as if you'd never spent money ever before and then you inspected it as if you'd never tried it." That's awfully strange of her to remember such specific details, it's almost like me remembering every insignificant thing.

"Yes, that's correct. Before then I hadn't tried cup noodles." After all, I was brought up in the torturous place that rigorously trained me into the monster I've become- my apologies, I was getting sidetracked within my inner monologue.

"Anyways, you can try some of my drink and if you like it you can order one for yourself and if not you can get the max coffee that you seem to love." Love? That's far beyond what I feel for the coffee. It's a matter of the satisfaction of taste it brings me but alas I agreed and when the food and drink were brought to our table she handed me the Caramel Frappuccino after having a sip to which I brought the straw to my lips.

"Obnoxiously sweet. I suppose it's not awful but I much rather prefer my max coffee." I took a bite of my French pastry to wash away the sickening flavour of the well, I wouldn't even call that coffee. I heard a small heartily laugh erupt from Horikita's lips. This attitude of hers was quite a sudden change from the start of the year that quite frankly, it's 'scaring' me.

I quickly ordered a max coffee before our server left and then Horikita and I engaged in small talk during our food, "I didn't expect you to be the type of girl who enjoyed sweet things." I said.

"It's not something I regularly get, but since this is a... special day, I suppose it's not a problem." Although briefly pausing before saying 'special day' she hadn't stumbled on her words, however, her face flushed that repeated cute shade of crimson. I decided to not push on the 'special' and continued with other things.

After we had finished our short meal, we paid and headed out to a different place. If I recall correctly, Kei convinced me to take Horikita to an arcade - although, if I'm not mistaken, shouldn't Horikita have planned this day out? Coincidentally, we were about to walk past an arcade.

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