The siren

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TW- Drowning/death, blood, description of injuries and death

She sings songs to the sailors,
Lulling them asleep,
They fall into the water,
Pulled towards the deep.

They don't realise they can't breathe,
Don't feel the salt stinging their eyes,
Her song numbs their brains,
But they don't realise.

And she doesn't mean to do it,
She doesn't mean to kill,
But, it's part of her nature,
Even if it makes her feel ill.

She wants to stop singing,
But she can't silence her voice,
And so, she thinks so deeply,
And then she makes her choice.

She swims all day and swims all  night,
Going on her quest,
She hopes it all turns out well,
She needs it go go perfect.

Eventually she finds,
Just what she's looking for,
She's finally found the sea witch,
Her shaking hands knock on the door.

The sea witch opens it with a smile,
They have cruel, unnerving eyes,
They're smile is cold and menacing,
Like a  shark before it bites.

She tells the sea witch what she wants,
And together, they make a deal,
She won't drown people, not anymore,
Because her voice, the witch will steal.

Now, she can't communicate,
She is all alone,
But, at least she's not the reason,
Those sailors can't go home.

She feels kind of dizzy,
And so she starts to swim away,
But the sea witch sees her leaving,
And asks for her to stay.

She doesn't know how to refuse,
So she reluctantly says yes,
Together they eat some seaweed,
And play a game of chess.

The sea witch is so lonely,
They just want a friend,
They're happy the siren came to visit,
And she stayed there all weekend.

They start to grow closer,
And, she realised,
The sea witch was never evil,
They just have a misunderstood mind.

They just want to help people,
Their prices are fair and good,
You both get what it is you want,
A fair trade, blood for blood.

The siren is happy with her new life,
She no longer drowns the sailors,
But now they're back and there's more of them,
The fish are screaming 'save us!'.

The sailors kill the fish,
And bring lots of pollution,
But thankfully, the sea witch,
Has the perfect solution.

The sea witch gives her voice back,
And so she starts to sing once more,
The sea starts to get restless,
As she sings up a storm.

The waves are crashing,
The wind roars,
Ships are smashing,
The seagulls caw.

Raindrops fall down,
From the sky,
The wind howls,
As the clouds cry.

Men are falling overboard,
Trying not to drown,
Their shouts of help cannot be heard,
As the water pulls them down.

Sharks circle the mangled boat,
Preying on drowned men,
The remains of the ship can barely float,
As it's battered by the rain.

Sailors are dying,
Left and right,
They're trying and trying,
But they can't fight,

The deadly seas,
The hungry sharks,
Even when they plead,
To the Water Gods.

Humans don't get mercy,
'Cause they kill all the fish,
They polluted all the sea,
So they don't get their wish.

The ocean can drown them,
As revenge for polluting it,
Water fills their lungs with pain,
Their mouths hang open, eyelids flit.

They try and swim towards the sky,
But their legs are weak,
Bubbles form as they cry,
Their buttons rust, no longer sleek.

Their spirits soar,
As they die,
Seagulls caw,
In the sky.

Seagulls and sharks are all that's left,
And a bit of floating wood,
All sailors drowned, even the chef,
The sea runs red with blood.

The siren feels kind of guilty,
But the witch says its for the best,
So she nods, with a forced smile,
She doesn't know it was a test.

The sea witch was testing,
Her devotion to the seas,
And seeing at what lengths she would,
Go to to keep them clean.

The siren passes their little test,
Making her sing was the right choice,
But now that her song was finished,
The sea witch takes back her voice.

The siren wants to protest,
But it's part of their deal,
The sea witch gets to keep her voice,
And lives, she will no longer steal.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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