42 - A Masterpiece (1.87k words)

Start from the beginning

"It's so damn irritating," Skaris complained about his spousal mark as he sat back behind the round table. Then, he sighed, looking down at his lap, his fingers tracing over the scars that adorned his skin. "Don't you hate how I look? I know I'm ugly. These scars ─ they make me look terrifying. It's okay, just say it."

"Yep," I admitted. "You're hideous, but honestly, next to me, you might as well be a masterpiece. I'm the real nightmare here. It's a wonder any of these guys can still stand the sight of me."

"..." Skaris remained silent, his head tilted downward as he covered his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Are you upset?" I asked, "I just confirmed what you already knew. Why do you want me to say it out loud?"

As we both stayed awake, unable to find sleep, Skaris's words echoed in the silence, adding a layer of intimacy to the night, "Because you keep calling Vick hideous, even though he is handsome and well built."

Despite the late hour, Skaris seemed to relish in our little talk. His posture reflected a hint of enjoyment as he continued, "You never picked on my looks. You even responded to my kiss without hesitation. It made me feel like you wanted me, even if I'm ugly."

"So what? I have low standards," I said, causing Vick to cover my mouth in his sleep.

A chuckle escaped Skaris's lips, his sharp canines visible in the darkness, "You have such a strange sense of humor...but I like it."

His pale, striking features seemed almost luminous against the shadows, casting an ethereal glow that enhanced the enigmatic allure of his tall, lean figure. His canine smile, flashing sharply in the dim light, seemed tailor-made for this new version of himself, adding a predatory yet playful edge that was uniquely his own.

I licked the hand covering my mouth, causing Vick to retract it and wipe it off my left breast. I was about to scold him, but then he started caressing my breast, causing me to sigh and squirm, which successfully silenced me.

I lifted my head to look to the side to see Vick still sleeping. His face was serene and innocent, completely opposite of the things his hand was doing. It was as if his hand had a mind of its own. The thought was ridiculous, but so were many things about him. I was being molested by Vick's hand, and he didn't even notice. I could stop him if I wanted, but his hands were so skillful I didn't want to.

Skaris noticed the change in my demeanor and just had to point it out aloud, "You are in heat again."

I didn't bother denying it. I could feel it. That sweet, tingling sensation was back, and it was begging to be satiated. It was like a craving, a hunger, and my body would not stop demanding for its satisfaction. The more Vick fondled me, the more my need intensified, and I had to fight to stop myself from humping his hand.

"Do you need me to relieve you?" Skaris abruptly asked.

"Don't even think about it," I said, "You despise these things anyway. Might as well save us both the trouble."

"Yes, I do," he agreed, "But it doesn't matter. I hate many things, but I have been doing them anyway. I've had worse, so this isn't even close to what I can endure. Plus, it's not like I won't get anything out of it. My body is already responding."

My eyes shifted downwards to his lap, and indeed, the evidence of his arousal was there. He was fully hard and throbbing with need, and just the sight of it made my mouth water and my core ache. I was not in my right mind, nor was Skaris, so when he stepped toward me, I stopped him, "Let's just sleep."


"Because I am too tired. I want to sleep," I said.

"But you're in heat, and I'm too."

"I'll live, and you will too," I replied, "If you're not going to sleep, then go jerk off in the corner. Do something other than stand there and wait for me to beg you to touch me."

"But you want it. Don't you? Your body tells me so. You are wet and flushed, and your breathing has become irregular. You are aroused and in need, and your body wants relief."

"My body is not the one in charge here," I stated, "My body wants what it wants, and I'm the one who controls it, not the other way around. It is up to me to decide when and where I get off."

"Are you sure about that?" he asked, walking over to my side and kneeling. He leaned forward, his nose inches from my tights. I could feel his hot breath on my most sensitive parts. He inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of my arousal.

I lifted his ear and guided his head toward the pillow he had brought earlier, forcing him to lie down. "Sleep. Now," I demanded.

"..." Skaris closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep, but I could see he was still aroused, and it was distracting him. Rather than succumbing to his urges and facing regrets later, he should reclaim his autonomy and remind himself that he was indeed in control of his own body and mind.

After a few minutes of watching him shift and adjust, I couldn't take it anymore. With a huff, I grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers.

Skaris was surprised at first, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he squeezed my hand.

I squeezed back, and we held each other's hands tightly until our fingers went numb like two old lovers on our deathbeds.

The whole scene looked ridiculous, but the contact seemed to help him, and the tension in his body relaxed. It took a while, but eventually, his breathing slowed and evened out, signaling that he was finally asleep.

His grip was firm, crushingly so, but I didn't care. I knew he needed it. He needed to hold on to something, to someone. And for some reason, I was willing to be that someone.

Skaris was a slave to his spousal mark while also trapped by his rootless desires. A prisoner who despised his captor yet couldn't resist being drawn to her. It was a messy scenario, kind of like my own situation.

I couldn't save him from his spousal mark, but I could temper his feelings, preventing him from hating or adoring me with all his heart. I hoped that one day, he would find the strength to break free from his shackles.

And maybe, just maybe, he could help me do the same.

I thought as I glanced at the sunrise, realizing I didn't catch a wink of sleep.

╔═══ Author's note ════╗

I'm not sure if I like this chapter or not. It took me a while to get myself to write it down. 🤧 Anyway, it seems like Skaris admitted his defeat and returned Yaya her old position behind our backs. 😁

Upcoming next:

-Wine and grain distribution 🍷

-Reunion with Nivi? 🤔


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