The cat whisperer-

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The 13 year old rushed through, trying to get home before dark. The clouds already prevented much light, and he didn't want to know what would happen when the sun dipped down. Virgil walked through the maze of alleys, only hesitating a few times to look around for creeps. Its the fastest way to get to his house, and it had been a long day at school.

He had made friends with a few of the local strays, they were friendly enough to him. And he felt like he could understand them. He usually gave them his lunch.

He found Russet, the scrunkly greyhound and dropped his bag. He dug around until he could find the sandwich. He brought pulled it out, but froze.

A couple meters away, sat another kid. His back was too him, but Virgil didn't need a face. The kid was holding two cats, and a dog whined at his side. He seemed to be enjoying himself-Virgil even recognized one of the cats. Russet nudged at his hand and Virgil gave him the food. He couldn't help but stare-wait he was bringing out a sandwich too. Virgil smiled-


He didn't realize what he was doing until he had the sandwich in his hand. He breathed heavily-

He opened up the sandwich and saw the ingredients-tomatoes, avocado, and lettuce. He was looming over the 13 year old, about to give him a lecture-

He was crying.

"OH SHIT-nonono why are you crying? here you can have the sandwich, but avocados and tomato's aren't good for them never feed it to them. Are you ok-I'm really sorry-"

"Its not you." he sobbed, wiping at his eyes.

Virgil looked at the floor, Russet stalked up and sat at his feet.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"No, I'm allergic to cats."

Virgil whipped his head up and stared at the guy.

"Then," he gestured to the cats around him waiting for food, 



His eyes were puffy and snot was dribbling down his face. Virgil sighed.

"Here, take these. And I will take these."

He tossed the stranger a pack of tissues, and Virgil took away the cats.

He took out some cat snacks from his cargo pants and fed them. Once they finished, they hopped away over fences into their own territories that the selfish assholes would skit off too. Virge couldn't help but admire their antics.

"Thank you."

The strange boy said softly. He seemed genuinely happy.

"I'm Patton by the way. Whats your name? Do you come here often?"

Virgil considered whether to answer honestly. He shrugged, "Call me Anx."

"Oki doki."

Virgil took a deep breath-

"Do you want me to walk you home? I promise I'm not a creep or a serial killer by the way-I can just help you through the alleys. They get confusing when its dark."

He waited for the decline, the soul crushing rejection, the horror, anxiety feels anxious, OH THE ANTICIPATION WILL THIS AUTHOR EVER GET TO THE POINT (no) but Patton just smiled.

"I like you. Sure-"

Virgil smiled at the compliment.

"Your pretty cool too."

He blushed-that was so cringey why would he say that?

"Aww thanks! Thats the nicest thing anyone has every said to me!"

Virgil walked back and picked up his bag. They chatted while they walked, though the social activity tired him, he couldn't help but feel excited! Virgil's house was closer then Pats, so they waved each other good bye. They exchanged phone numbers and parted.


The two became close friends, often doing sleep overs and hanging out after school. It was still a running joke about the sandwich-

"Is that-is that avocado?"  

"Oh my, Pat not the avocado,"

Virgil opened up about his foster situation. Patton had no judgement. Patton had already revealed his impatient parents, which is why they would hang out with the strays together.

Over all, that meme worthy interaction turned out to change the course of their lives, or at least, it equaled a new best friend

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