Chapter Two

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A week had passed and Sophie was getting radio silence.

She was used to quiet, fine with it even, but this was becoming a little too much. Fitz hadn't sent over additional information, and she was too scared asking Biana would end in a freak out and an Atlantis trip.

The only person she felt she could turn to was Keefe.

One morning, when the pastures of Havenfield were filled of dinosaur roars, she sat on her closet floor debating calling in sick to work. And she almost did it, but it was an excuse to get away from Verdi.

She threw on a simple black dress with a matching sash and a cobalt cape, climbing the stairs to the leapmaster and calling for Foxfire.

During lunch, Sophie was grading papers. She'd gone through her third essay of why the Elvin mind was superior to humans and was reconsidering Foxfire curriculum.

I mean really?! They expected a girl of human upbringing to preach what she knew wasn't-!

"Knock knock." Her eyes shot up from the ink puddle she'd carved into the paper and her desk. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, could feel that anger from all the way down the hallway."

"You need better hobbies than wandering the halls." She rubbed her eyes.

"Hello? It's lunch? Try eating for once during the given time." He smiled.

She rested her head on the table, immediately regretting it as black ink stained the ends of her blonde hair.

Keefe opened his mouth to make some snarky remake, but she was on her feet and pacing before he could.

"What's wrong?" The mood suddenly shifted, Keefe knew it better than anyone.

"Well I have ink running into my eyes so you tell me." She rubbed them more furiously, voice shaking for a reason she didn't know.

She could hear rustling in her new pitch black reality and Keefe eventually explained some kind of success.

"Looks like your next prodigy isn't gonna be here today. Let's go get you cleaned up?" He offered a hand and she blindly took it.

"Does the paper really say that or are you just making that up?"

"Sorry, couldn't hear you!" Then she felt a tug and she was enveloped in feathery light.

After an intense amount of water, cloths, and some elixir, Sophie could see again. But black lined the edges of her vision and her eyes were blood shot.

Nevertheless she made it down the stairs and into Keefe living room where he sat on the couch, enjoying a piece or some dessert she had never seen before. He offered her a piece and she declined.

"It's still so weird to me you live on your own," She said after a moment of silence.

"I'm pretty sure you're the only one who doesn't." He downed the desert she had declined in one bite, clearing his throat before continuing. "Have you ever thought about moving out?"

She hadn't, really.

It never seemed right to even think about it. When Jolie moved out it meant her death, and Grady and Edaline had no right to have that kind of fear again.

Then again, she wouldn't be having close contact with a pyrokinetic from an evil organization of monsters.

"I don't think I should be trusted on my own." She laid her head on the back of the couch.

"Um... if I can do it so can you." Keefe laughed. "I mean look at this place! Not too bad if I do say so myself."

Sophies eye wandered to a large pile of laundry in a corner that had to be as tall as her. Not to mention the coffee table that lay split in two infront of them.

All Because of Biana (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now