Chapter 13

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As soon as Ansh hobbled into the class, his eyes landed on Shreshth who was staring outside the window, looking as beautiful as ever. Shreshth felt someone staring at him and looked towards the direction the stare was coming from and frowned when his eyes landed on Ansh, hobbling down the rows of seats. He quickly got up from his seat and went to help Ansh. As Shreshth reached near him, he gently held Ansh's shoulders and helped him to his seat. Ansh thanked him as he sat down.

"What happened? How did you hurt yourself?" asked Shreshth.

"I tripped and fell," Ansh replied, telling him the half truth, "and then my evil sister stepped on my foot."

"Why would she do that?"

"Because 'I was not giving her attention', according to her."

Shreshth chuckled hearing that causing Ansh to whine 'Not you too'.

Shreshth composed himself before asking, "Then, should you not be resting? Why did you come to college?"

"To see you," Ansh blurted out.

Shreshth blushed hearing that while Ansh mentally kicked himself for blurting out the truth.

"I mean I wanted to see you to invite you to my birthday which is tomorrow," Ansh said.

"Oh! You could have just called me."

"Yes, I could have... But I do not have your number."

"You could have asked Ishita for my number."

"Yes, I could have... But I wanted to personally invite you and to give you this." Ansh reached inside his bag and brought out a handmade, red and orange coloured dreamcatcher and gave it to Shreshth. Ansh had been looking for the best birthday gift to give to Shreshth since he came from his birthday party. He had been looking for the perfect gift to give to Shreshth. But none of the gifts he looked so far were good enough. He asked Ishita what should he get Shreshth. But she was of no help either. Instead she started talking about how Shreshth has been having nightmares which he was thankful for as it gave him the idea of what he should get Shreshth. He knew that the native Americans believe that dreamcatcher brought good dreams and kept nightmares at bay. So he decided to make one himself and give it to Shreshth. So here they were.

Shreshth took the beautiful dreamcatcher, staring at it in awe before looking at Ansh in question.

"This is your birthday gift. I made it for you," Ansh said proudly. "Ishita had told me that you have been having nightmares for some time. So I made this."

"Thanks. It's beautiful," Shreshth said, touched by such a thoughtful gift. Shreshth looked at Ansh and asked, "What do you want for your birthday?"

"Well, surprise me," Ansh said, cheekily.


Somya and Vivaan were sitting in the cafeteria with Ishita. The trio were in serius discussion.

"What do you think it could mean?," asked Vivaan.

"No idea," answered Somya. "Ishi, can you do what I asked of you?"

"I do not know. But I will try," Ishita answered. Yes, she will try and hopefully succeed.

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