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Guk was moving back scaredly seeing bogum coming closer to her with that dirty smirk on his face.
Bogum: "Don't be scared I won't hurt you....infact I can help you in many ways where v can't" - he said eyeing her lustfully making guk angry and in that she throw her slipper at him.
Guk: "Shut up" - she shouted making bogum glare her and slammed his hands on each side caging her between them.
Bogum: "ENOUGH I am behaving very nice with you....or else you don't know what I can do.....better keep your mouth shut infront of me" - he said holding her from arms tightly making more tears leave her eyes.
Bogum: "Cry as much as you can but no one cares for you here .....not your that so called husband.....he married you to make your brother suffer..... can't believe then ask him yourself....he don't even look at you so pathetic of you to love him" - he said venomously making guk angry. She used her full force and pushed him with both hands making bogum stumble. Guk took this chance and run to table taking knife from it.
Guk: "Don't come near me.....I am telling you I will kill you....and you are lying hubby loves me alot it's just he is angry right now " - she said showing him knife making bogum greet his teeth.
Bogum: "Come on then kill me.....your whole family is a murder your father killed my father, V's parents.....still you think he will love you" - he mocked making guk shocked. Her breath started getting heavier at this new information.
Guk: "No you are lying" - she shouted closing her ears making bogum laugh and repeat same thing again and again. Guk's head was spinning and she fall down unconscious making bogum's eyes widen.
'Sh*t what happened to her now?,no she can't die like this I was just doing this so that she will ask her brother's help making him angry at V,I can't afford him treating tae nicely making a special place in her heart,it can't happen untill I am alive,now what I do with her' he was sweating seeing guk not moving at all not even breathing.
Bogum: "Come on think something damnit" - he said pacing back and forth as he already sent servants out of mansion for some reason. He immediately went to guk and carry her bridal style taking her to her bedroom.
Bogum: "Now CCTV cameras" - he said breathless by carrying guk from stairs till their bedroom. He went to control room and manipulate everything as he is managing everything in mansion and company. V is CEO in just name while real control is in bogum's hands leading to company's current condition.

||JEON Mansion||

Kook was busy on call with yoongi talking about what happened in morning and discussing how to use it in positive way. When suddenly someone jumped on his back making him startle.
Tae: "Daddy dood molnin" - she said cutely making kook chuckle and kiss her forehead.
Kook: "I am coming office then talk to you bye" - he cut the call and turn to face tae properly.
Kook: "Good Morning baby" - he said and kissed her cheeks softly making her smile widely.
Tae: "Taetae hungly" - she said rubbing her tummy making kook chuckle at her cuteness and carry her to dinning room.
Kook: "Ok sit here I will serve my princess with my hands" - he said placing her on chair making tae pout. Kook immediately serve her plate and take his seat making tae stand up instantly.
Kook: "What happened baby?....you don't like it sh_" - he was cutt off when tae sit on his lap and moved to get comfortable. But her innocent moves were making someone wild.
Kook: "Don't move.....I will help you" - he said near her ear stopping hee from her waist making tae node.
Tae: "Hully up daddy feed taetae" - she exclaimed making kook gulp and sit her comfortably. He started feeding her slapping himself in mind multiple times to control his hormones.
Tae: "Sho yummy daddy shou alsho eat" - she said eating with pout making kook smile but when she turn to feed him. Their faces were inches away giving kook hard time to not taste those pink plump lips again.
Tae: "Aaa" - she said wrapping her one arm around his neck making kook open his mouth obediently still staring at her lips.
Tae: "It'sh tashty light" - she asked curiously making kook node his head and look away.
Kook: "Now don't talk much and eat fast daddy have office hmmm" - he said making tae sad and pout heavily.
Tae: "No daddy won leabe taetae alone.....if daddy go taetae bill alsho tome" - she said stubbornly crossing arms over her chest making kook bite his inner cheek to not cry. Tae's little self is same like before not a single bit changed which kook loves alot.
Kook: "Ok as my love wants....daddy will take taetae everywhere he goes happy" - he said kissing her forehead making tae clap her hands happily and peck kook's lips.
Tae: "Thank shou daddy" - she said cheerfully and get busy in finishing her food. Kook was just lost in that small peck smiling dreamily which made everyone in mansion shocked. He smiles only infront of guk that too rarely otherwise he just smirks or maintain cold face so it was shocking to them seeing the cold ice melting under this fluff ball's warmth.
Tae: "Taetae full.....let'sh go daddy" - she said standing up and held kook's hand dragging him outside.
Kook: "Wait baby.....you didn't clean your face yet....and you can't go in these clothes....come daddy will ready you" - he said wiping her mouth making tae node and made grabby hands to get picked. Kook didn't protest and carry his feather like wifey to their room. All this time tae didn't remember anyone because the way kook was loving and cherishing him he didn't felt anyone's absence. They all can't make her this much happy than kook solely.

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