Steve looked around the corner of the wall "Captain I'm agent 14 of S.H.I.E.L.D special service" Said The woman who Thalia could still not see "Kate?" Steve asked "who the fuck is kate" Thalia thought in her head "I'm assigned to protect you" Said The woman now know as Kate walked around the corner to see thalia who got out of her stance making the kate woman raise an eyebrow and look her up and down which Thalai noticed but didn't comment on.

"On who's order?" Asked Steve Kate gasped "His" Said Kate while walking up to fury's body Thalia they saw kate pull a walkie talkie out of her Pajamas "Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive I need EMTs" Said Kate "Do we have a 20 on the shooter?" Asked the man on the other side of the walkie "Tell him we're in pursuit" Said Steve while glancing at Thalia who nodded at him understanding what he meant Steve then jumped out of the Window to the other building "Well I wasn't expecting that" Said Thalia before geo leaping after him and the shooter.

After a while she ended up on a roof with both of them but when Thalia saw the shooter her body went stiff and her mind went blank and she wasn't on the roof in new york any more she was in her bedroom on that night.

Flash back 14 years ago

a five year old girl was woken up by a thump making her look around her room and then get up grabbing her teddy bear walking out of her room only to hear a bunch of more loud crashes coming down the stairs.

The young five year old was curious on what was going on as she slowly started to walk down the stairs as she got to her living room she saw a man with long brown hair a metal arm with a star on it with a gun in his hand as her mother was on her knees with a straight look on her face but you could tell she had tears in her eyes.

"Mommy what's going on?" The young girl asked "Nothing sweetie just go back to bed I promise everything will be alright" Said The young girls mom but she knew it was a lie her mother never called her those sweet nicknames before.

"Listen you want her fine have her she was supposed to be here anyway" Said the young girls mother to the man who looked at the young girl he had a mask on his face which scared her she frowned and backed away as the man stepped closer until he grabbed her by her arm making the girl start to try to get out of his hold until he picked her up "Mommy please I'm sorry!" Yelled the young girl she had no idea what she was apologizing for but she felt as she did something wrong for her mother to just let the man take her and yet her mother still looked at her with a blank expression.

"Mommy please I'm sorry please!" Yelled the young girl again making the mother stand up with something in her hand running up behind the man stabbing him with something making him groan and drop the young girl who fell to the floor and hurt her foot making her cry more.

But as she looked up from her foot she saw the man and her mother fighting "run!" Yelled the young girls mother but as the young girl tried to stand it hurt her making her wince "I said run now1" Yelled her mother again.

Which made the young girl turn and start to run but also limp feeling the pain in her bottom leg she got to the front door opening in and running straight for the woods that was right by her house and she kept running and running until her little hurt legs couldn't run anymore she found a little clearing in a tunnel where she went and hid but once she was under the rock on to of the tunnel start to crumble and fall blacking her inside.

Making the young girl start to hyperventilate and bang on the rock blocking her in but they wouldn't budge and they just made the space even smaller she continued to bang on the rocks and scream and cry until she got tired and her hands were covered in blood her tiny little body laid up against the rocks in front if her in the dark tunnel "I just want to go home" Said the little girl quietly and that's when she ended up in front of her house where police cars were.

The young girl ran well limped up to her house fast until the woman who lived next door saw her "Oh my god stephanie" yelled the woman getting the cops attention as well as others that were at the house once the woman got up to the young girl but she disappeared before the woman could reach her only leaving black smoke behind.

The young girl was then in the house seeing the body of a woman just laying there stiffly the young girl walked up to the body only to see her mother covered in blood with a gunshot wound in her stomach "mommy" The young girl said tapping on her "Come on mommy wake up" the young girl said louder getting the cops attention seeing her all scratched up in the face with bruises on her body with blood on her feet and hands and you could tell the young girls foot was sprained.

"Mommy please wake up please i'm sorry" cried the young girl laying down hugging her mother who was now gone she was alone and this was the day that young girl swore to avenge her mother.

Flash back over

Thalia was awaken from her when she heard metal hit each other Thalia saw saw the man with the metal arm hold steve's shield.

A/n:We got a flash backkk and bucky's hereee

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