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🍧 :  ESSENCE  ☆

"hey sho," the small girl sat next to the dual haired boy. her school uniform was messy and muddy. shed been defending the younger boy against some kids who had no good words to say about his scar. poor boy just wanted some groceries ..

"y/n ?" the girl hummed a 'yes' as she looked over the hill they were sat on , soon turning her eyes towards todoroki. "yeah ?"

"do you think im ugly ?" for such a young kid the question had raw emotion, it was a genuine question, because he thought he was. if someone random could make a comment on his scar without hardly seeing it, surely people hes close to think even worse. — but y/n laughed, she laughed and shook her head , taking a deep breath. the sunset bounced of her skin. the dark hair that fell down her shoulders somehow contrasted with it perfectly. "sho, you arent ugly."

y/n broke out of her thoughts to the feeling of her shoulders being shook. she had to drag her eyes away from her old friend, now looking towards mina who was a little too close to her face. "i still cant get over how cute your hero costume is !" she squealed, making the girl slightly smile. "thanks mina, i love yours too."

y/n was confused to hear shed completely zoned out of what allmight was saying, once she realised, she practically forced mina to tell her what was going on and who she was teamed with. — and oh boy. "im against who !? can you repeat that ?" y/ns brows were furrowed and her fists clenched. "youre up against todoroki ! kinda scary right? i get the reaction."

she didnt get it but y/n would let it slide, no need to be telling stories now. in her head y/n was screaming, it was almost as if the universe was plotting against her - forcing her to face that boy and his angry eyes.

it was nice to get a chance to watch the way everyone thought and really analyse their quirks, she hadnt got a chance to do so yet but now she had .. her classmates were strong. — even though she was trained under literal pro heroes she found herself dreading the chances of being up against some of her class.

"hey , y/n its our go." ojiro broke the girl out of her trance as she sweetly smiled at him , following him into the building while looking around. her footsteps echoed in the empty building, thoughts circulating her mind. itd been far too long since shed fought against shoto , she didnt know how he worked, this was all new to her.

with a sigh, y/n looked towards the blonde male she was partnered with. "i'll be honest our best shot is you staying here at the objective and me being on lookout. i have no clue how these two fight , and youre a close range combater , unlike me. were completely running on luck here , so good luck." the minute ojiro agreed with her the girl left and took a spot at some random area in the building.

she heard the announcement that they challenge had begun , and now she begun to feel nervous. she felt that twisting feeling it her stomach — the fear of losing, of failing. y/n didnt hate alot of things but she did hate the feeling of being a failure. she never felt like she had the place to fail when she was practically handed all the training and lessons she needed on a golden platter. god forbid she let those goes to waste.

for now things seemed completely silent , eerly silent almost , no foosteps or anything. the girl shifted her weight onto her opposite foot , sighing. before suddenly .. she heard something. a whizzing sound. a bullet ? no. no one had bullets. quickly her eyes widened as she activated her quirk , circling herself with a blue shield of pure energy. she choked on her own breath at how quick shed moved, but soon she realised whatd struck. ice. the temperature drop was extreme and hit her like a brick. the sheild didnt take long to shatter from impact but she was still standing — and she knew exactly where she was supposed to be right now.

what a sneaky move. she wouldve expected something big but this was crazy. looking at the floor it was all ice and the windows were completely blocked out. she was racing ideas in her head figuring out a way to get to the thing she was supposed to be guarding but ... 'team shoto and shoji win !' shed failed.

"aww y/n dont have such a down face ," mina gave the girl a side hug, warmth enveloping her. — but the raven haired girl had her eyes on someone else. he glared at her so intently she shivered despite the cold no longer being near her. the hatred rooted into that stare made her ill, made her sick. to the point she excused herself to go to recovery girl, saying she think shed messed something up when activating her quirk so quickly.

really though, shed just gone for a stroll. she huffed as she sat on a bench near the main entrance, staring out to the sky. one day shed figure out why shoto was so upset at her, maybe apologise and make things straight. — but for now she felt herself suffocating in the guilty feeling that she mustve done something terribly wrong to have him feeling the way he did. maybe coming to this hero course wasnt the best idea, after all.

 maybe coming to this hero course wasnt the best idea, after all

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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