'Stay alert.' Xu Mao warned, you then knew the voice was nothing good. You tensed up. The voice started singing and you gasped in curiosity. „Is something wrong?"Xie Lian asked worriedly. „Do you all hear that as well? The singing voice?" You asked them.

„I didn't hear a thing." Nan Feng replied. „Nor did I." „I didn't hear anything either qīn qīn." You furrowed your brows. „So it is only for me..." you mumbled. The voice sounds nice tho, it's just really spooky... you shivered.

„It's singing." „about what?" you could hear Xie Lians tone laced with worry. „Cross the mountains, in tears, never smile, before the ghostgroom." „A message? Or warning?" Nan Feng asked. „If not a trap, better not to cry" you laughed quitely.

„I could never cry. Whats the worst that can happen anyways?" „You could be kidnapped." Xie Lian replied seriously. „Don't worry. Ive been smiling the whole time. Im strong!" Xie Lian sighed and shook his head. 

Now more strange noises from the forest were heard. Then a howl. „It's a pack of wolves! Wolves don't live here!" „Oh?" You sighed and leaned back as you let the other fight the wolves, feeling Xie Lian staying close to you.

„Do you think you can handle these things?" you asked them. „They're just mutts." Fu Yao replied. Suddenly someone yelled.

„Monsters!" you raised a brow and were tempted to go outside, but were gently pushed back by Xie Lian. „Stay inside qīn qīn." a hand then grabbed your dress and you furrowed your brows in disgust, still keeping a smile on.

You harshly cut the hand off, kicking it out of the carriage. "Slave Goblins! Annoying things... they just keep...coming!" Fu Yao complained as he slashed Slave Goblin after Slave Goblin.

"You sure you don't need my help?" You asked. "As if you could do much!" Nan Feng replied and you huffed. "How many are there?" You asked, although a bit grumpy. "About a hundred. Perhaps more." You gasped in shook as another hand grabbed your foot, shivering in disgust. "Ten...is already a handful!"

You were stressed already, desperately trying to shake the disgusting hand off. Xie Lian saw this and glared at the creature, breaking the Slave Goblin in half with Rouye. "Tha-thank you..." you thanked him, releasing a sigh.

Xie Lian smiled a bit before coughing into his fist, commanding Rouye to kill the Goblins, which it did. "I thought you couldn't wield magical weapons!" Nan Feng exclaimed. "There are always exceptions." Xie Lian replied calmly.

"Gege is so amazing!" You praised, Xie Lian blushing slightly.

"Anyways. You guys should retreat.", You commanded. "Retreat?" Nan Feng asked. "They'll keep coming, it's no use. So just go. I can handle them.....I think..", you mumbled the last part. "And you?" Xie Lian asked worriedly.

"I'll simply just wait until the groom comes." Xie Lian hummed hesitantly. "I won't argue with him, we should come back later." Fu Yao said. "Fine...just take Rouye with you." Xie Lian sighed, Rouye hurrying into the carriage to wrap itself around your waist, making you giggle.

Xie Lian smiled at your giggles. "Come on let's hurry!" Fu Yao urged. And with this they finally ran away, all of them, the Slave Goblins following them. Now it was quiet.

You played with Rouye to entertain yourself, Rouye slithering around your chest. You must admit, it is really touchy.

Suddenly a strong wind came up, fluttering the carriage silk. You heard the jingle of bells and foot steps, furrowing your brows.

'Oh! A butterfly!' You awed in your head. 'Oh god. Not a butterfly again.' Xu Mao groaned. 'Huh?' You wondered why he was reacting like this.

You jumped slightly when a hand reached into the carriage, luckily it was a human hand. You hesitantly put your hand in the other. You must admit this person was very patient.

The hand helped you out of the carriage, unlucky you tripped. But the person caught you. You felt warm. 'No one but Gege has ever caught me..'

You looked up at the persons face, disappointed to see that half of the persons face was covered by the mist. You furrowed your brows, the persons smirk fell slightly. The person started to escort you, careful of their step.

The jingling was very satisfying to hear. You watched in astonishment as just with a mere smirk, they scared the wolves away. This person must be like a top predator. Like sharks!

The person stopped for a bit, taking out a beautiful red umbrella, that did look kind of similar.. Your ears perked as you heard a crushing sound, looking behind the person to see what it was, only to see nothing.

'Huh? It's raining?' You wondered as you heard rain drop on the umbrella, glancing up at the person. You must say, alone the smirk of the person looked handsome.

'This persons jingles are so funny they couldn't possibly be the ghost groom!' You happily laughed in your head. 'Oh my god are you dumb..' Before you could start an argument with Xu Mao the person closed the umbrella and stepped infront of you, letting go of your hand which saddened you quite a bit.

The person then lifted the silk that covered your face, you just let them. Looking up at them curiously. Yet suddenly, Rouye hurried out of your sleeve and started attacking them.

"Wait! Rouye!" Yet before Rouye could do any harm, the person disappeared in butterflies, making your eyes widen in astonishment. "Woah... Beautiful..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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