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It was night time, and Subhadra and Arjun were sitting on the bed hand in hand Subhadra's head over Arjun's shoulder and cold breeze was rushing in through the balcony, making all the curtains fly

Subhadra's favourite was rainy season, and Arjun knew it very well, he could relate to her because his rainy season was her, just like how the earth blows after rain hits it, the same way his life bloomed after Subhadra entered in it

She was sleepy by now, so Arjun said in his deep voice

Arjun : it's gonna rain soon, Subhadra

She nodded sighing in content as the cold breeze touched her body 

Subhadra: once it starts raining, no matter if I am asleep, pick me up and take me to the balcony. I wanna enjoy the rain.

He placed his head over her head and said"yes, love, sure"

So soon it started raining, so arjun gently picked , the half asleep, Subhadra and went into the balcony, placing her on his lap and protectively, keeping his arms around her

As the rain droplets touch her milky smooth skin under the moonlight, she woke up

Arjun: sleep, don't worry. I am here.

Subhadra: I wanna enjoy the rainn, come with me

With that, she stood up and held Arjun's hand and taking the lead, she went to the back garden of the Mahal 

The heavy rain drenched them 

The two of them were standing in the rain facing each other 

Subhadra took steps towards Arjun and when they were close enough she whispered in his ear

Subhadra: dance with me Arya

He gave his ever charming smile and went down, asking for her hand

Arjun: sure, my highness

Subhadra gave her hand in his, and he stood up, twirling her, and slowly dancing with her 

There was no music, but the emotions were enough for both of them to be in the same rhythm 

They swayed lost in each other every step matching and fully synchronise, just like there were some dancing dolls

Subhadra hand on his chair and staring in his eyes, while slowly dancing, she smiled not a single single word from their mouth, but the eye did all the conversation

Subhadra: we are all drenched arya 

At this Arjun turned her back and hugged her swaying and nibbling on her ear

He whisper in his hoarse voice 

Arjun : Does it matter, love?

BhadraNodded in a no , Arjun then picked her up and took her to the chamber, and both of them changed to clothes, still feeling cold from the previous drenching 

Arjun took the tower and went near Subhadra, who, was sitting on the bed 

He laid on the bed and kept his head on her lap , handing her the towel and signing her to dry his hair 

She was blabbering stuff to him while he was lost in admiring her face 

Suddenly, she crossed questions him about what she was telling, and he was asked clueless as ever 

At this Subhadra's smack his head and said removing him from her lap , you don't listen to me. You don't love me. You don't need me anymore.

With that, she was about to stand up, but she was pinned down on the beds headboard 

In between his masculine and very strong arms, and his eyes staring at her soul, like she was some pray to him

He came near her and ran his nose down from behind her ear to her shoulder, giving her thousand butterflies

Then he came near her nose, their breaths mingling and said in a  dominant voice

"You are the only one I love and never ever say that again"

"I need you and only you , now and forever"

The next morning

Sunlight hit their faces , and arjun slowly opened his eyes to be welcome by the most beautiful view in the world, his wife in his embrace

He got up covering her properly with the blanket and kissing her forehead, not disturbing her sleep and got ready and went for the Rajya Sabha

There he was welcome by the teasing looks of Nakul and Shahdev

Nakul: what makes you late?

Sehdev : what type of a question is that nakul , He is a married man now.

Add this, Arjun held both of their ear and twisted them

Bheema laughed  watching this 

Yudhisthur came and saw this and hit his own head on their silliness

He told them to stop and said there was one important notice

Yudhisthur : we have a letter from Dwarka, which says Madhav will be coming here next week

Arjun: but why what's the purpose?

Beam: he will be telling us once he arrives over here

It was evening, and the lunch was getting prepared 

Everybody was in the  dining hall for the lunch, but Savyasachis eyes were  searching for only Subhadra , 

The lunch was being served in his plate, but he lost in his own words when Dasi asked twice , how many pooris did he wanted to take 

He came out of his thoughts, and decided to ask her , " where is Suhadra? Did you not call her for the lunch?

The dasi replied " kumar arjun I did call her for the lunch, but she denied saying she had no appetite"

At this arjun and went to the kitchen And himself prepared kheer for her , then, in his one hand, he took the plate and in the other, he took the bowl of kheer  

He went into the chamber only to find her sitting and drawing on the canvas he called for her, and she came here him

Subhadra: arewe at a loss of dasis , that you are doing all this and anyways, I'm not hungry

Arjun: we are at a loss, but the losses of the nutrients which my love is missing by not eating food, I wanted to do this for my special one, now, no tantrums, come and sit here, quietly and eat

S Subhadra smiled and nodded knowing clearly well she cannot win from him

He started feeding her the kheer and the food , both made each other, eat with their hands, giggling, laughing, and talking their heart out

They truly were a match made in heaven

To be continued......

Will update soon

Be rooted

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